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Guide - Grandmaster Living Guide[UPDATED]- How to Deal with Grandmaster by hkriderz


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
And that is?
You can do the wallrun at the same time he attacks, only if he has his klone quite close and moderate. If the klone is far, he might jump kick you to send you straight to the klone.


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
You can do the wallrun at the same time he attacks, only if he has his klone quite close and moderate. If the klone is far, he might jump kick you to send you straight to the klone.
Ah I forgot to touch on interactables lol. I'll update the thread later thanks


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
If you think he's going to throw then duck and punish it.
The problem is that sometimes your poke or string gets frozen since throw range is good for sub that he can stay at a good distance away and grab you.


Don't get put in the corner. Pray for dear life if you're in the corner. That's pretty much the best advice you can get... From what I've been practicing with IrishMantis, it seems like it's best to block high and react to the 12(3) string. By all means use your (fast) forward advaning armoured special to punish b2 when blocked or a forward advancing mid if you block 12xxshatter.

I'm pretty much done playing this braindead character now that he's so insanely powerful in the current version of the game. Unbreakable boys ftw.


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
I dropped Jax and Kotal lol. I do use Lao though (Tempest and Buzzsaw [Yay Buzzsaw]) But anymore if I play the mu I just use Lasher or Possessed


Scrubby nice guy
Don't get put in the corner. Pray for dear life if you're in the corner. That's pretty much the best advice you can get... From what I've been practicing with IrishMantis, it seems like it's best to block high and react to the 12(3) string. By all means use your (fast) forward advaning armoured special to punish b2 when blocked or a forward advancing mid if you block 12xxshatter.

I'm pretty much done playing this braindead character now that he's so insanely powerful in the current version of the game. Unbreakable boys ftw.


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
Don't get put in the corner. Pray for dear life if you're in the corner. That's pretty much the best advice you can get... From what I've been practicing with IrishMantis, it seems like it's best to block high and react to the 12(3) string. By all means use your (fast) forward advaning armoured special to punish b2 when blocked or a forward advancing mid if you block 12xxshatter.

I'm pretty much done playing this braindead character now that he's so insanely powerful in the current version of the game. Unbreakable boys ftw.
You shall be missed

not :DOGE


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Let's ask our hating expert about the the theme. @M.D. .Could you please share to us your expert opinion about how to deal with OP GrandMaster?
First of all,

NOTE ON KLONE KOOLDOWN- The Klone's cooldown depends on when its destroyed or gone i.e. the later it disappears the faster it recovers. Max being about 2 seconds and min being downright instant. Its hilarious.

Exactly. It's the most broken thing in existence. There is no way ever you will catch him or apply pressure in the "cooldown" my ass. The cooldown is inexistent. Whenever you think it's your turn, you get cloned. Piece of shit broken crap.

Second of all,

The videos in the corner do NOT show you how to handle each situation. It just shows you have to guess 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5, in which you guess wrong 3 times and you lose.

Third of all, even if you guess right,

a) It's still his turn since clone didn't go away
b) Clone went away, guess what, broken pos cooldown is inexistent, d4 clone in your face
c) Ah i'll just use a bar for 12%. d4 clone. Ah i'll use another bar 12%. d4 clone. Ah i don't have any meter left, guess i'll just DIE this round and try to use all my meter next round for three x 12% punishes, after which I will still DIE.

Fourth of all,

B2 punish ROFL. You will NEVER punish b2. Ever. You will get probably one punish per match, and then you will lose. B2 is always done through clone, what do you want to punish lol. And in the often cases it is done naked, 90% of them you will shit bricks and not press anything. 8% of the remainder you will press and miss the frame window. 2% of the time you will punish with 10% and then you will DIE.

Fifth and last of all,

This POS character needs to get nerfed into the ground like A-list has been. Period.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
He's right on some points, but he's wrong on the guesses. If you fail 2 times, he might kill you with two 48% shatter kombos, in which the second might result as the 55% with X-Ray ender, which it's an overkill.
First to all.... Thanks to @M.D. for sharing it's expert opinion. From him I conclude that the IceClone cooldown must be increased from 2 to 6 seconds. This change will make him more fair. And will not break it's playstile.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
First to all.... Thanks to @M.D. for sharing it's expert opinion. From him I conclude that the IceClone cooldown must be increased from 2 to 6 seconds. This change will make him more fair. And will not break it's playstyle.
Well, it wouldn't be fair for Sub Zero's corner game, would it? By increasing the cooldown like this Sub Zero risks of being bodied. He's an Ice Ninja, so redoing the Ice Klone is nothing. He can do any ice he fancies. Wasn't that enough that he has still the whiffing Ice Klone issues?


Good stuff. These are the things we need in TYM. I remember pig used to do stuff like this in the armory. You learn a lot from this. Sure you have to make the defensive reads but now they are a bit more educated. This game is really complex. People complain that stuff is broken but if you have a more clear understanding of your options after this dirt it makes you less desperate and more understanding of what you did wrong and what you can do better.
Well, it wouldn't be fair for Sub Zero's corner game, would it? By increasing the cooldown like this Sub Zero risks of being bodied. He's an Ice Ninja, so redoing the Ice Klone is nothing. He can do any ice he fancies. Wasn't that enough that he has still the whiffing Ice Klone issues?
I personally wouldn't like him to be changed. But this appeases the haters. Even then... if this change it's done the same should be done with Ermac push,Takeda plus on block no hurtbox strings, Sonya grenades ( Which are a better version of ice Clone) for citting some of the bull*** left in the game.
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The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Good stuff. These are the things we need in TYM. I remember pig used to do stuff like this in the armory. You learn a lot from this. Sure you have to make the defensive reads but now they are a bit more educated. This game is really complex. People complain that stuff is broken but if you have a more clear understanding of your options after this dirt it makes you less desperate and more understanding of what you did wrong and what you can do better.
Those complainers are nothing more than moronic whiners asking for nerfing. Something is broken? Do a workaround! When I see something from my moves being broken, I ALWAYS do the workaround.

Pre-patch B2 couldn't connect itself with Mileena's yolo roll, so I had to do only B33, F42, F33 and throw moves rto deal with it. Now it can connect itself there.

Now I have a worse problem than that. It can't connect against those being frozen in the LOWEST part, like the Triborg slide kick.


Scrubby nice guy
I personally wouldn't like him to be changed. But this appeases the haters. Even then... if this change it's done the same should be done with Ermac push,Takeda plus on block no hurtbox strings, Sonya grenades ( Which are a better version of ice Clone) for citting some of the bull*** left in the game.
Its not appeasing the haters its about the clone + corner + his normals being broken in multiple situations. Would be lovely if some of u noticed it instead of saying "just armor lol" -.-