Reinforcing it's viability , but I didn't know that.
This may need checked. I think hes -ive but if u do a reversal his will come out slower and then beat your armour (as the second armoured moved to hit wins the trade)
After a flame hands from a WMP
You can backdash: dragons roar will catch your backdash (time dependent)
if he parries you wont get back to him in time to punish.
if he dragon kicks it will catch your backdash (time dependent)
You can armour: not sure how negative he is here, not tested this specifically, but i imagine b12 might stuff some armour.
it needs to be a delayed reversal since his ex dragon roar/ex WMP will beat our your armour if you do it as soon as possible
You can D4: This beats out every option except for ex WMP (might be my timing)
dragons roar gets stuffed or whiffs
dragon kick completely flys away full screen which isn't a bad option for liu if you're D4ing every time. As he gets away and can zone you again.