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Match-Up Discussion - Johnny Cage Liu kang flame fists


There it is...
Yeah. Mimic is completely gimmicky, if they have meter and know the matchup, you can't use it for pressure. It HAS to be put up on knockdown, and then u get parried and its down again.

A list is your only decent option here, and thats not even a good option.

I love how we got nerfed and kang got that shit lol.

lm Tweakk

First off, memorize what F2,1,3 looks like. It's the only string JC can't interrupt the Shaolin Flame cancel. You can armor out, or back dash any other string into Shaolin Flame.

Windmill punches is a bill. Learn the timing of how long the special lasts because no matter how Liu 2 in 1 cancels that move, you can armor through the ender.

Like all version of Kang, block low. He has no good combo starting overheads. Learn 1,1,3. When you see it coming you can back dash or armor through the overhead 3. Easy mode...

The real problem is the zoning and the chip. Up close I can confidently say JC wins. Far away you can't touch Kang. By the time you get in youll lose 10-15% in chip, and he will have gained a bar. He will have breakers often which sucks for Cage because getting a combo off with him is hard enough as it is.

You have to get in on him and not let up. You can't give him an opportunity to get away. A good Kang will zone 80% of the time and kick your ass.

Remember this specifically...all Kang's specials except the overhead attack are f3 punishable. When you're in range for f3 you have to make it count. This is where you want to be. Space him out and hit him hard.
A lot of useful information in there , but did you know Liu kang can ex his back fist off windmill punches and beat out your armor? This is no problem considering he builds a bar after using it , so I don't think that it's a bill at all. I think he may very well be top 5. Thoughts ?

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
A lot of useful information in there , but did you know Liu kang can ex his back fist off windmill punches and beat out your armor? This is no problem considering he builds a bar after using it , so I don't think that it's a bill at all. I think he may very well be top 5. Thoughts ?
There's a timing to it. Remember, who ever hits with armor first loses.


There it is...
A lot of useful information in there , but did you know Liu kang can ex his back fist off windmill punches and beat out your armor? This is no problem considering he builds a bar after using it , so I don't think that it's a bill at all. I think he may very well be top 5. Thoughts ?
Jc can low profile that with d4 its an ex WMP followup thats the real issue.


There it is...
Reinforcing it's viability , but I didn't know that.
This may need checked. I think hes -ive but if u do a reversal his will come out slower and then beat your armour (as the second armoured moved to hit wins the trade)

After a flame hands from a WMP

You can backdash: dragons roar will catch your backdash (time dependent)
if he parries you wont get back to him in time to punish.
if he dragon kicks it will catch your backdash (time dependent)

You can armour: not sure how negative he is here, not tested this specifically, but i imagine b12 might stuff some armour.
it needs to be a delayed reversal since his ex dragon roar/ex WMP will beat our your armour if you do it as soon as possible

You can D4: This beats out every option except for ex WMP (might be my timing)
dragons roar gets stuffed or whiffs
dragon kick completely flys away full screen which isn't a bad option for liu if you're D4ing every time. As he gets away and can zone you again.


Lui Kangs BP into shaolin flame is -7 or -8. Even if he's attempting to cancel the shaolin flame into MB BP you should beat him out. Idk JC's frame data on his d4 though

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Lui Kangs BP into shaolin flame is -7 or -8. Even if he's attempting to cancel the shaolin flame into MB BP you should beat him out. Idk JC's frame data on his d4 though
If you seriously want to play the safety game, don't do anything other than block. If he parries, 113~into full combo. Otherwise eat the chip and start your pressure so he can party you there instead.

Can we just say this is easily a 6-4 for Kang and be done with it?