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Lets Level Up Our Respect Alongside Our Skills


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hey Everyone,

There's a new game on the horizon, and with it comes an influx of new life. MK9 brought a ton of unforgettable moments and memories with it, and Injustice alongside it will bring a whole new group of players and fans.

I can only speak for myself; but I think it'd be awesome if we put away some of the drama and infighting, realized what the small/insignificant issues are, and came together again to strengthen each other rather than tear each other down.

This was really on my mind after Frosty Faustings, after watching 1000 comments like this from our own people:


Mk_finest__: im allergic to watching shit ass games like streetfighter x tekeen plz turn dat off

Prinzmetal49: Separate stream for MK!!!!!! Pls

Kh_captainjfa: well all these top players showed up there for mk so it is kinda a bummer theres not gonna be much stream time
Wonderchef626: 90% of fighting game players don't even know what GG is
Limbo_dawg: BRING ON A REAL GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomlulsbrady: I WANT MK9 POOLS

Blackbryan: this game is dumb

Riceriddles: FUCKIN NERD, PUT MK9 ON
Beezzweez: nobody cares about guilty gears bla bla bla


Fortunately, we also had some examples of community spirit:

Rev0lver: as much as i want to see MK, GG needs some stream respect for a bit. they don't get the spotlight too much
Thtb614: agreed Revolver
Konqrr: I agree with Revolver... this game is awesome

We have an opportunity to grow to have more streams, be accepted into more tournaments, and have more resources put behind our games; but to do this we're going to have to come together as a group and show strength. We need to build the excitement and level of support around our game to the point that it's undeniable. I'm personally going to throw everything I have at increasing recognition for these games -- but if it's going to work, we've got to be better than the lowest common denominator.

Remember that TO's have to make choices about what to allocate resources to; that nothing is guaranteed, and that if we want people to accept us we need to respect ourselves first, and speak with our presence.

All I ask is, lets be better than this a community. We have a chance for a bit of a fresh start -- so lets believe in ourselves and not have to imitate the way that other people may drag us down. Lets find reasons to work together rather than make our own players enemies. There's too much talent, too much hype, and too many exciting moments to be had to succumb to the kind of incessant trolling, personal-level beef, and hate mongering that tears people apart.

Last year we saw what it's like to have a thriving community -- great shows and streams each night of the week, healthy rivalries culminating in great matches like the ones before Anaheim, and people being able to consider themselves friends after it all. West coast and East coast shaking hands and appreciating each other no matter who won or lost.

Lets embrace who we are.. And be better than what we could be. Looking forward to this upcoming year, the new game, and the future beyond it.

Love you guys.

9.95 Juggs FrothyOmen
Did you save those stream comments? Lol this is quite a while after the event, why wait so long to bring it up?
Anyways i agree man. We get shit on as a lot for being mk. Why do we do the same to other communities. Like look at the smash people, I've seen people dish some shit to them for NO REASON OTHER THAN ITS AN AWESOME FUCKING GAME AND SOME PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.
Good write up broseph!


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The amount of MK guys doing the above is completely crippled by the amount of people from the other communities doing it to MK9. This doesn't justify it, but this definitely is not a problem exclusive to the MK community, not even close. I can't even look at stream chats anymore, all it will be is childish trolling and Floe faces.

I agree that the trashing of other games should stop, but it's really only the stream monster trolls doing it and you can't really get them to do anything other than be trolls.


Man of Tomorrow
You're asking us to be the bigger "man" and I say it won't happen. People disrespect our game in droves saying how shit it is, how easy mode it is, how we're not real gamers, etc.....They make fun of it and us during streams, some even go out of their way to come to our stream just to troll, flame and rag on our game. So why should we respect them when they don't respect us? Why should we swallow their insults and put a smile on our face and ignore their comments?

I tend not to say anything about a game I dislike on stream but when MK is on it's fucking ridiculous how much hate we get. So when people in our community see this why would the respect these people?


The amount of MK guys doing the above is completely crippled by the amount of people from the other communities doing it to MK9. This doesn't justify it, but this definitely is not a problem exclusive to the MK community, not even close. I can't even look at stream chats anymore, all it will be is childish trolling and Floe faces.

I agree that the trashing of other games should stop, but it's really only the stream monster trolls doing it and you can't really get them to do anything other than be trolls.
While at a tourney this weekend the only fighters talking ish were the MK fighters. While it may have been in good fun, it was annoying. Any time the other fighting games people got hype, I always heard, "EVO. Get to Evo. Get to Evo then get hype. No Evo, etc". Poking fun at the fact that that game isn't at Evo or something. They were just getting hyped over their matches, and supporting the game. While MK people are doing that on the sidelines.

Like I said, probably didn't mean anything by it, but shit was obnoxious.


Every community has stream monsters. Im pretty sure there are people saying the exact same thing you are in other communities. This is something that cannot be tamed lol..


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Welcome to my world. I show up on any stream and it is now a meme to post ...
"Whens Marvel?" Repeatedly during every other pool.

Different fans play different games and show up on stream to watch different games. I watch KoF a lot and anymore thats about it. I won't whine if someone elses show is on though. Thats like yelling at the TV for not always having what you want on playing the second you turn it on.


bye felicia
Welcome to my world. I show up on any stream and it is now a meme to post ...
"Whens Marvel?" Repeatedly during every other pool.

Different fans play different games and show up on stream to watch different games. I watch KoF a lot and anymore thats about it. I won't whine if someone elses show is on though. Thats like yelling at the TV for not always having what you want on playing the second you turn it on.
You can be damned sure if the big bang theory or modern family had a stream chat your mom would be hype