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Hey all just letting u all know im picking up the fishman ^_^ my 3rd and potentially last character i decided to add to my arsenal of covering all matchups (my deadly 3), i look foward to leveling up with him and if u guys have some starting out suggestions i would gladly like to hear them, im all ears...i was pretty close to dropping this game but recent characters i came across aside from flash, breathed new life into my interest for playing the game.
FCP/EMP SCAR Do what Brady does, because no one else knows Aquaman.

That's racist. :16Bit
Its a good thing im late picking up this character, because i havent got into any bad habits on using this character that will have me playing him the wrong way, ive just got done watching both tom brady videos on the theory of aquaman, ive always praised tom on having the best aquaman man win or lose, always entertaining to watch, i feel coming to the character late i have a better chance at learning what to do and not to do.


PSN: CaptCarmine
I'm a new aquaman player 2, and i have been wondering what are aquamans best starts to a match?


PSN: CaptCarmine
How!? lol
the f2 reminds me of his up b, has the same type of phantom hitbox with his trident instead of pikmen, his 11 is like olimars jab, his db2 reminds me of plucking pikmen even though he is sending out a trident, aquaman is normally laughable on shows like olimar is, they are both underplayed for how good they are or at least olimar was when i started playing him and he was low a tier, just a number of little things


King of the Kiddie Pool
I thought olimar was high tier. But yeah I could show you some of my set ups and gimmicks dude. Message me on xbl


PSN: CaptCarmine
He is high tier but it took forever for people to realize it, and i played him when the game pretty much came out, and yeah for sure