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Fully Composed
Already have experience with Shang Tsung, so it looks like I'll go Liu Kang (unless you want to redraw one for me).

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Going with Sonya for now since I haven't purchased any DLC yet...haha

I was contemplating Freddy and Rain in the future though; so I'll snag them once I have a spare $10!

Sonya's a top 5 char so that'll satisfy my "I'm sick of my shitty characters losing to you assholes!" need! :)


Go to hell.
Going with Sonya for now since I haven't purchased any DLC yet...haha

I was contemplating Freddy and Rain in the future though; so I'll snag them once I have a spare $10!
One character is 5 bucks, Rain is more in your face and Freddy is a zoner, so I'd go rain for you.


Formerly Kevo8390
I play Liu Kang, Cage, Smoke, Ermac, and Quan. Only character I won't play is Freddy.(Also Kratos because I'm on 360)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Cool :D

I'll try out Scorpion first thing.
Yeah, I think you'd like him man. Quan too tbh. Quan's like Cage though in the sense that a lot of his MUs are just bullshit and you're better off using another character though lol

One character is 5 bucks, Rain is more in your face and Freddy is a zoner, so I'd go rain for you.
Meh, I'll just snag both. I was interested in Kenshi as well. Skarlet's the only DLC I'm not particularly interested in at this moment anywho. Freddy and Rain have both proven to be great characters though.


Go to hell.
I play Liu Kang, Cage, Smoke, Ermac, and Quan. Only character I won't play is Freddy.(Also Kratos because I'm on 360)
Kevo8390: Raiden, Noob, Reptile

Cool Iniquity, support NRS. They need to keep making MKs. And alright I'll get Freddy thanks.


Yeah, I think you'd like him man. Quan too tbh. Quan's like Cage though in the sense that a lot of his MUs are just bullshit and you're better off using another character though lol
You mind hopping on? Play some matches :p been a while anyways. And yeah I'm even sick of Cage because most of his bad matchups are top tier - therefor more popular arguably.. so it's often an uphill battle. I really only play Lao anymore because my Raiden isn't really any good :/

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
You mind hopping on? Play some matches :p been a while anyways. And yeah I'm even sick of Cage because most of his bad matchups are top tier - therefor more popular arguably.. so it's often an uphill battle. I really only play Lao anymore because my Raiden isn't really any good :/
I'm down for a bit later tonight, but yeah...he's a good pocket character against Lao and does okay against some of the others in the cast but in general he's not worth maining imo these days...just has way too much shit to deal with against the higher tiers. Raiden's pretty easy to play, you've just gotta react and constantly swap up your teleports to keep them guessing, attempting to punish you and whack 'em with 22b4 and f24 superman for 20%. Raiden wouldn't be so dominating with those random teleports if block to neutral was 0 frames, but it isn't, so as long as you keep your teleports random that 20% is pretty much guaranteed. f24 seems pretty safe on block too from my experience.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I'll go with the first choice you picked outa the hat for me. Watch out for my Stryker in the near future! RAWR!

But pick me out 2 more just for shits n giggles.


Hey can you pick me some characters as well please? I play Sektor, Cage, Zero and Kitana atm. I won't play any other female nor Freddy nor Kratos (and perhaps Kabal too because he hurts my hands on a ps3 controller lol). But yeah anyone else will be ok.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
This is actually a really cute idea...I actually kind of developed a philosophy of learning, or at least semi learning, characters that gave me a hard time. For example, Quan Chi. Good Quan Chi players used to rape me with no lube or a call back the next day...it was terrible. Then I took him to the lab and ended up making him my 4th character and also now know what to expect while playing Quan's... I should do the same with Mileena but I just can't stand the bitch...