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Late Fatality Compilation


I got this as a video responds on youtube.

All of the late fatalities performed by Ramazanook23.

It appears its only Raidens late uppercut that will crash the game though.



Bo_DK, just - Ram. ;]
Nice to see own vids on other sites.
Vassago187, It'll freeze your online playing. lol.

P.S. - Actually, it was one of the hardest of all my available vids for now...


Ram23 said:
Bo_DK, just - Ram. ;]
Nice to see own vids on other sites.
Vassago187, It'll freeze your online playing. lol.

P.S. - Actually, it was one of the hardest of all my available vids for now...
oh, it doesen't freeze it if it's offline??


Ram23 said:
Bo_DK, just - Ram. ;]
Nice to see own vids on other sites.
Vassago187, It'll freeze your online playing. lol.

P.S. - Actually, it was one of the hardest of all my available vids for now...
Ram, I´ll keep that in mind:)

I was wondering, how do you time the late´s? I can only get most of them on the dead pool cause i use the music to time it.
And, my theory yet remans that other late fatalities could crash the game as well cause i notised you did all of them with double flawless wich add´s 2 seconds more to time before the game advances, if not double flawless, i would imagine that liu´s dragon and reptiles tongue COULD result in crashes.
But its just my theory, i have still to try it out:)


that's funny how u say the raiden shock grab one is impossible. I did it at foozers house, they won't let you finish.


question, where's Sub's uppercut? Great vid. I thought i would never see Johnny cage late,. And i never saw jax late. But subs uppercut must be EXTREMELY tricky.


BO_DK, I tried all ways. Only Raiden's fatality freezes the game.
I'm just watching to "Finish Him/Her" text and jumping in the right time (while in jump doing fatality combination, as you can see in begining)
david_GEM, It's impossible because you can't push any buttons after some time. (you can push it only in Kung Lao's hat fatality).
And read the description. I had recorded Sub's uppercut before, but you opponent doesn't fall after you did deep freeze, all what you can do is just late fatality without fall or late deep freeze (i did these 2 ways and it looks uninteresting)

P.S. - and what is "Late Airship''?


Just did the late reptile invisible tonight, AWESOME.

Late Airship is when you do the friendship in mid-air (jumpkicking) AFTER he says finish him. Sometimes it says fatality.

Look at the picture to the left.
david_GEM said:
Just did the late reptile invisible tonight, AWESOME.

Late Airship is when you do the friendship in mid-air (jumpkicking) AFTER he says finish him. Sometimes it says fatality.

Look at the picture to the left.
That late reptile split was badass dude, i can only get the late head lick fatality after goin invisible then reappearing


Ram, an "Airship" is just a name i came up with, a play on words. Friendship done in the air = Air-ship :)

And here is a couple of them, i will do a compilation when i have captured all of them:)