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Late Airships



Come on dudes. How fucking cool is it to do an airship friendship after he says "finish Him." I did it a few times the other day against one of my freinds. I'm proud to announce, it's do able. Bo_DK is not crazy. I'm gonna try to film it at Foozer's house saturday.

I recommend using one of the ninjas. Walking to the opponent and doing the crossover jumpkick. I got it the first two times I tried it but believe me it's gonna take some tries. Also, it may say fatality which is my fave. And in one case, which was today against the computer, the gauge bars dissapeard ex: when lui turns into a dragon ( also the opponenet stood back up. DO IT!!!! It's fucking awesome!!!!
ive tried with mileena and failed, kinda hard to get the timing. the only thing that i have done that was really cool was after i won, i won with a roll then jump punch and then sai and i did a babality while they were still in the air which was cool to see


R1RYDA714 said:
ive tried with mileena and failed, kinda hard to get the timing. the only thing that i have done that was really cool was after i won, i won with a roll then jump punch and then sai and i did a babality while they were still in the air which was cool to see
How could you do the babality if you used LP to jump punch`?


david_GEM said:
Come on dudes. How fucking cool is it to do an airship friendship after he says "finish Him." I did it a few times the other day against one of my freinds. I'm proud to announce, it's do able. Bo_DK is not crazy. I'm gonna try to film it at Foozer's house saturday.

I recommend using one of the ninjas. Walking to the opponent and doing the crossover jumpkick. I got it the first two times I tried it but believe me it's gonna take some tries. Also, it may say fatality which is my fave. And in one case, which was today against the computer, the gauge bars dissapeard ex: when lui turns into a dragon ( also the opponenet stood back up. DO IT!!!! It's fucking awesome!!!!
I have actually never done a late airship, but you´ve given me some blood on my teeth to try it out;-)
But i would love to see you do one man:)


YES U HAVE!!!! I've seen it. That's why I'm even trying it. I'll try to record it when fooz comes to my house.


how would i do a spike friendship wth scorp dff block and then dbbhk?? ive been trying am i pushing the wrong buttons?


no, u have to complete the friendship before he uppercuts then spam the hell out of it. (repeatedly tap circle like a maniac.) It will happen eventually.


my bad i thought you meant reptile. HK for scorp. ive only done it with rep that's why


im gnna have 2 b shown becuz ur saying do a frienship dbbhk...then immediately do the spikes dffblock?? repeat the spike fatality over and over??????


do the spike, but before he actually uppercuts him, do the friendship and keep pressing hk (spam it)


news flash i just did the friendly spike as well. cage hits the spikes and i sold him a doll becuz im friendly......


good shit man, now you have to do a late airship, which is the whole reason for this thread anyway. lol


isnt that where u do a frienship n the air right as they r falling. count to 3 jump backwards do it and float down right??


NO!! U jumpkick them after he says "finish him" but u do the friendship as u jumpkick him.