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General/Other - Kung Lao Kung lao klassic costume for klassic pack 2: speculation, general discussion


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
what does everyone think klassic kung lao will look like:

(from the klassic pack 2: when tremor releases)

mk2 kung lao?

mk3 kung lao?

or something mixed and new between them?
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Yeah, MK2 lao is what i expect too.

Reminder that he generated a lot of salt on trilogy that no one could even ban him away from tournaments, we used to call him "Kung lao of 2, as ref to "Kung lao of MK2"

Having his alt in the game would be a good wakeup call to the trilogy loyalists.


The saltiest
Just add some nostalgic detailed touches to any old MK costume and it'll be fine. For example, making his hat hide his eyes or somehow cover half his face from the shadow. Similar KL hair, none of that bald shit from revenant. Dang maybe even sound effects but that be asking for too much lol.
It's gonna be MK4 or MKDA Kung Lao. Those are the only games Jax, Quan Chi and KL have been in together and I doubt they're going to do different skins for different games considering the MK1 skins. I hope it's MK4 because it's essentially his MK3 skin and I think it would look really good on this engine.


Justice 4 Firestorm
With the visual indicators, there are quite a few similar looking costumes, so I expect his MK2 costume. It also has that big old symbol.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Idk though, would they really do MK2 Jax/KL and MK4 Quan? That would just be weird as hell lol
MK2Jax would look dumb as hell with his metal arms, but that is his original costume. MK2 Lao has been updated as his alt, but I expect that to be the one they chose.