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Kung Lao has an infinite


The guy hits the lab with lao for hrs...so he. Deserves to do lao infs since we the ones lazy waiting for new tecs.


Yung Kneecaps
It's an infinite against the computer. 1121 teleport 3, 1121 teleport 3, rinse and repeat. It also leads into his brutality :p


"Strength isn't everything"
Rumor has it that ECT Mcfly has discovered a Kung Lao infinite and is saving it for when he comes to the US.

Hit up the lab or discuss. Your choice.
It's combo-ing a JIP into Teleport late 3, then infinitely doing it with cross over jump punches.
damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn infinite from lao? I guess Mcfly has unleashed the MALOC within him, Kung lao top 1 now guys, lets just wait for injustice.........., nah jk, I highly doubt he has an infinite, but I like the suspense and hype that will be brought with this.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It probably includes that seriously hard to land JIP, Tele3

remember when everyone thought the f3~spin 2,4 Plum Flower would be a bnb........ yeah.
Don't see why it's not. It's actually the same in difficulty as the BnB everyone uses now, just more damage.