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Krypt Screamer= ='(... And I have 2 unused online codes for 360

Being that I am afraid of anything that moves really (well kinda but not really...) I hate that Ed Boon threw in that screamer in the Krypt...screamers suck balls.

Also I have 2 unused online codes for the 360 version of MK.
If you would like the codes just send me a message to either one of the gamertags (Infinite Combos/ Shang Tsung FTW).


Mr. Sexy Pants
Funny thing is I was in the krypt late last night cashing in all my koins and decided to youtube this screamer I've been hearing about. I saw the clip and I was like that's not so scary. Then as I returned to the game BAM!!!! that FREAKSHIT popped out of nowhere!! lol good job nrs! but after that i just tried to unlock all the goodies asap so I could clean up the mess I had just made! :D
JJvercetti1 said:
I have only seen it once, but it never come up again. :D
I saw it when I was unlocking the Alt costumes. Saw it last night when I cleaned out the rest of the krypt. Still startled me even though I was looking out for it.
The fucker got me twice! What an asshole! I almost hit myself in the face with the controller first time it happened.


That thing popped up on me last night, I wasn't really paying attention at the time so I didn't really freak out, but easily could have if I had been more focused.

Do you guys think that there is any kind of command input associated with that thing in order to unlock yet another 'secret'? I think I'm 50/50 on it. Maybe it's just there to scare people, but knowing how fond the MK guys are about secrets, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it did something.