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Kreate a Fighter MK 10


"On your Knees!"
So what if they added this ability so you can create your own character MKX just like they did with MKA. You think everybody would just put high tier special moves and combo strings with the best frames so the MU will be harder? Do you think it would be unfair if ppl kept costantly use their own character they created so they can win? I know that this would be broken as shit if they did and I can see it coming, unless they nerf the moves only on created characters so it can be balanced. your thoughts?
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I like the idea of reinventing the CAF. Give you a "point" system of some sort so that nobody can be OP (or at least attempt that, and maybe patch it later if need be) and the player can spend those points however they like (clothing, moves, combos, special moves, fatalities, etc.).

Have like 10 KAFs per account. Make it so you can only have a certain amount of points on each KAF.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I like the idea of reinventing the CAF. Give you a "point" system of some sort so that nobody can be OP (or at least attempt that, and maybe patch it later if need be) and the player can spend those points however they like (clothing, moves, combos, special moves, fatalities, etc.).

Have like 10 KAFs per account. Make it so you can only have a certain amount of points on each KAF.
It's not a bad idea. But honestly I'd rather have customizable costumes kind of like in KI


"On your Knees!"
I like the idea of reinventing the CAF. Give you a "point" system of some sort so that nobody can be OP (or at least attempt that, and maybe patch it later if need be) and the player can spend those points however they like (clothing, moves, combos, special moves, fatalities, etc.).

Have like 10 KAFs per account. Make it so you can only have a certain amount of points on each KAF.
Thats not a bad Idea, can keep things interesting more than it already is. It just needs to be looked into further before its made if they did make it happen.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
Please, no. You would negate 4/5ths of the cast, and we would go back to the problem of 1-3 characters and 1-2 talent/ability/etc setups. Why would I play Ermac if I could create a character with his moveset, except with an armored wakeup and a decent overhead.
We learn from the past. Sure, it may have sucked the first time, but it could always be one of the best features if they expand on the idea. Nobody ever becomes a genius by ending their work on one mistake, lol.
Ed boon never makes the same mistake right?

MK2 Kit
UMK3 human smoke
MKD dairou
MKA sareena
MK9 kabal
Everyone in MKDC
Igau prepatch scorp supes hell everyone prepatch and post MMH

u see a pattern here my friend?


Ed boon never makes the same mistake right?

MK3 human smoke
MKD dairou
MKA sareena
MK9 kabal
Everyone in MKDC
Everyone in IGAU.

u see a pattern here my friend?
Well, firstly, Ed Boon isn't the only person behind the MK games. Secondly, I never said he didn't make mistakes. In fact, everybody makes mistakes over and over. Be it the same, or different, but you can't just say that something will always suck because of one attempt. If people just always gave up, then there would be no success....like ever. I'm not saying that I think they should go back and try to reinvent the KAF (although I'd personally enjoy it, I don't care either way), but just completely avoiding the concept because of one failure seems kind of.....pointless. If you have other reasons, that's fine. Saying no because it failed ONCE though is just not a good reason in my opinion (though, I'm not really saying that you have to agree with my opinion either).
So what if they added this ability so you can create your own character MKX just like they did with MKA. You think everybody would just put high tier special moves and combo strings with the best frames so the MU will be harder? Do you think it would be unfair if ppl kept costantly use their own character they created so they can win? I know that this would be broken as shit if they did and I can see it coming, unless they nerf the moves only on created characters so it can be balanced. your thoughts?
I can not see this coming...at all


"On your Knees!"
I can not see this coming...at all
Thats what I said, your thoughts. I made another post of Boss usage in another thread being that bosses can be used if their moves were nerfed so the game can be balanced and they can take damage as any other normal character would. But only be banned in tourneys, and online, but offline so ppl can play with them and fuck around.


"On your Knees!"
who cares about tournaments not everything has to be competitive. Is all about having fun

create a fighter will be kool so will motor kombat, i dig it.
Motor Kombat, it would be funny as hell if they had a Chibi fighter mode as an extra in the game. Like puzzle combat in the game where they had big heads and little bodies, they can have the mode just like they were fighting but chibi versions of them. It would be funny as hell.