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Kratos and the Input Bug

I dont mean to beat a dead horse, but does Kratos even suffer from the Input Bug? I can tell you what i have found.

First off, for those that don't know. I found a infinite with Kratos which involves Teef's dash cancels. It is 2~bf4~dash cancel, 2~bf4~dash cancel, repeat.

Now the thing i noticed right away with this was when i did the inputs, that im bypassing the forward of bf4, so the button log shows this: 2~b4f. The weird thing is, everytime you do a second 2~b4f, the dash does NOT come out. The only way i noticed the dash coming out was when i did 2~buf4. I believe this is part of the Input Bug.

But what else for Kratos? It doesn't seem to happen to me for any of his normal moves like d1 etc. If anyone can test this out, i'd appreciate it. Kratos is the smallest character in the game, and my theory on the input bug being caused by the transitions from high to low might be true if so. Does Kratos suffer from the Input Bug?

Thanks for your time.


Will do. Sorry I haven't seen your request earlier.

Just a quick info you might find interesting. There seems to be no input bug or at least that's not what it is. The problem seems to be, that the game thinks that you are not in a crouching position during certain frames. There seems to be a transition phase between states. My speculation is, that there is a transition frame between state x and "being in crouching". State x can be "going to crouching position" and "recovering from blockstun". So between those two states there is a frame where "crouching" is ignored during button evaluation. If this is correct, then that means, there is nothing wrong with "down" but a lot with "crouching".

Sadly this does not explain why some people say it also happens during specials for which I still haven't seen any proof whatsoever. However, if there is one problem, a second, different one wouldn't be a far fetched assumption.
Thank you, i have agreed for a long time that the transitions from high to low are what was causing it. I even let NetherRealm Studios know this back in February.

Thanks again for your time. As mentioned, the transitions from high to low are what cause the input bug. To further explain, in MKDA-MKA there was a middle frame which allowed you to block true mids while crouching, and also allowed you to block lows while standing. This middle frame was moved in MK9, and that's what causes the "Input Bug". In my opinion.

The blockstun in MK9 is another problem. The risk/reward ratio is not nearly the same. You are risking 40% while only being rewarded by 2% (D1). The blockstun must be improved so that the risk/reward ratio is more even. CDjr, one of MK9's top players will agree with me on this word for word.

Let me know how your tests go. If you get a chance, check out P1/P2 differences as well.

EDIT - I'd like to think another problem of the input bug is reacting to lows on time and ducking them before they hit you, but you still get hit by them. Mids too.


Winter is Coming...
BUT digimon said the input bug never happened to him, and he plays Sheeva..


2014 mk9 Kratos 86% damage
Im confused about the input bug,, You can get out triangle hdc triangle hdc as many times as you handle it. Iv only managed 5x
In reply to the invisible arrows- They will come out invisible if you can fire off ehough arrows in a certain time span and with enough arrows on screen-Only online. WHY Will they randomly hit the opponent during the match? How to use this effectivly?
AND did you mean Kratos as the smallest hitbox? Iv had a few people unfamiliar with MK notice his larger statue vs original mk characters.
Im confused about the input bug,, You can get out triangle hdc triangle hdc as many times as you handle it. Iv only managed 5x
In reply to the invisible arrows- They will come out invisible if you can fire off ehough arrows in a certain time span and with enough arrows on screen-Only online. WHY Will they randomly hit the opponent during the match? How to use this effectivly?
AND did you mean Kratos as the smallest hitbox? Iv had a few people unfamiliar with MK notice his larger statue vs original mk characters.
Please don't bump this old as dirt thread if you don't have anything to contribute to it... nobody's looking for a reply to the invisible arrow question over two years later. Try starting a new thread or posting in one of the stickied character discussion threads instead.