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Konami's X-Men Arcade Classic out NOW on XBLA & PSN

Konami's X-Men Arcade Classic Headed For XBL on Dec. 15; PSN in Feb.

Hate to correct you, Tim...but the PSN title was released the same day as the XBLA version. I snatched it off PSN. Mixed feelings. 10 USD is a bit steep for a direct port of a 18 year old arcade title. When quarters are not obstacle, the game lasts 20-30 minutes especially since you can spam the life wasting special moves with reckless abandon. Still...it's a nostalgia trip and the game's online modes work as advertised. BackBone Studios were in charge of the conversion...they are the fine folks behind SSF2THDR and MK2 (PSN).

Tim Static

Konami's X-Men Arcade Classic Headed For XBL on Dec. 15; PSN in Feb.

crap, i forgot to correct this thread when it was announced the day after. my bad :(