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Kombat Tomb Podcast - FAREWELL Show This Weekend...

Pound IC

I've been trying to come up with some good questions but I can't think of anything...

Still I wanted to post to thank you 3 for all you've done. This is the best podcast I've ever listened to (yes, better than the Ricky Gervais Show) and I will continue to go back and listen to the classics. Best of luck and don't quit the scene altogether (I'm lookin' at you, Slips!)


These questions are for all three of you...
If NRS makes an ALL DC fighting game, as people have been speculating, who would be in the roster (10 heroes and 10 villians) and who would you main?
And if they made MK10, what 1 thing (not a glitch, or the resets) would you change from the current version?


The Marvelous Meter Man
Just want to say you guys are responsible for me creating a profile and taking part in the community. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


It's a shame because I feel like I'm the only person who understood Slips meaning of life, and the chance of discussing it with them will never happen (as opposed to being any different before). I HATE BEING SO AVERAGE IN THE COMMUNITY!
So you were high listening to the podcasts is what you're saying? :p


Make It Rain
Wait, what? lol Why are you ending the podcast? This podcast is/was amazing and I thought it would've become a staple to our community. Let me be clear, I don't know what goes into doing a podcast, I don't know the upkeep, or how much it costs, etc. I'm just really surprised to hear this, and am disappointed to see it go. Hard to believe you guys have been doing podcasts for months now, but again, I thought the show was gonna keep going for much longer than this. If there is any personal issues going on behind the scenes like some have heard, I hope it's not true, and even if it is, I hope everything gets resolved.

KTP is straight up dope. K7, Slips, and 16-Bit are great together. I definitely enjoy all the MK talk, but also all the off-topic discussion as well. It really is an entertaining show. I can only hope you guys reconsider and keep the show going for as long as possible. If not, then I just wanna say thx to you 3 guys, and to all the guests you guys had, and for putting on an amazing show.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Osu 16 Bit: Your favorite wrestling match of all time (This could go for all of you, but I'm not sure if Slips or K7 are big on wrasslin'.)

Slips: Has anyone ever told you you sound frighteningly similar to Corey Taylor?

K7L33THA: If the US ever legalizes pot, will you be planting a crop on your farm, and can I come work on it? Also, is there any other character in MK that gives you enough of a boner to play, or are you going to remain 100% Kabal for the rest of forever?


The Marvelous Meter Man
All they need for the podcast is to have it unedited with Tom brady on an nfg rant. That'll give us at least 10 hours lol.


PSN: Skkra
All they need for the podcast is to have it unedited with Tom brady on an nfg rant. That'll give us at least 10 hours lol.
HAHAHAHA no pleeease no more Brady, the last show will hopefully just be them. I also hope they'll talk about why they're actually ending the podcast.

Osu 16 Bit I second the "favorite wrestling match of all time" question. I think a lot of us here are old-school WWF aficionados, love hearing your WWF talks, and want to know the answer to this question.


If in doubt. D4
I have a question for Slips. In tag 1 how did you come up with the combos and stuff with changs? Where you the only one using changs at top level tag 1?? Are you not thinking of picking up tag 2 as both changs are back? Msg from Oxford England. Shout outs to ex spear going straight through your enemy.


bad player
I seriously feel like im losing a friend, whenever i practice mk ktp is on, whenever im pissed off after coming home from work ktp is on, when im walking with the dog ktp is on. My coworkers and family know who you guys are, my gf asked me if I was quoting Slips the other day when I was joking around. You guys have really shined a light on this community and should be credited for alot of the momentum it has gained. I still want t-shirts K7, Slips you are truly my hero; except i banged the 24yrold chick at work :), Bit keep up the rants wherever you end up.
question would be: who would top asian players main? Poongko=quan? Daigo=Lao? Tokido: Cyrax+sonya? Mago: Cage how about Rain, Knee, Qudans, 200won, Onlypractice?
Pig / Tom pls make a show, light our darkest hour!


Sex Kick
Please be trolling...wtf
We never even got to do our Sega Genesis vs. Super NES discussions or anything.

I wanted in on that.
you know for every episode of KTP, me and my friends here in Saudi Arabia sit together chilling and listen to you guys especially 16 bit and his funny jokes. Indeed, it was good times and we will miss you all. I wish the best of luck in your future.
Min saudia? Im from UAE, lets have a few fights, what is your PSN?