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King of the Ring Podcast GGA 16 Bit and GGA Dizzy Question Thread


Alternative-Fact Checker
So on Sunday afternoon I will be recording a podcast with none other than GGA's own Dizzy and 16 Bit. This will be primarily based on Injustice and any questions people might have about tactics they don't understand or perhaps tips on how to get better, but we will also talk a little MK shop as well.

Please send your questions to [email protected], and please put your name as well as your question please. These will be answered so please ask now!


If your sticking to Injustice or even (MK9) I will fully support and listen to your podcast. I usually listen to my casts early in the morning on my way to the gym and leaving the gym.

As far as injustice, please don't only speak about the players as in "the tourney players" I respect them for all the knowledge they bestow on us - I would love to listen about which Injustice character frame rate does what compared to who.

Even more subtle ingrained knowledge conversations, For example, I was practicing a combo with Green Arrow which I got from YouTube, it seemed easy enough, the YouTube poster left the annotations available in the description header - 1,1,3,..etc.

However, upon trying the combo myself I noticed that one move in the combo chain (a wall bounce) would refuse to activate. Eventually I kept trying until when I finally did it, I noticed in order for the wall bounce to activate the move "preceding" it which was Green Arrows regular bow shot - its projecticle had to make contact with its host and just as Green Arrow slightly lowered his bow arm - within that small window -that's when I was supposed to activate the wall bounce in order for the combo chain to have synergy.

If you will be bringing small nuances like these and others I have not even thought of into your show I will gladly listen. But if this is more about the people who attend tourneys and who did what - not what I'm into, Elway - I'll pass.