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King of the hilll


I was just wondering tbh whether anyone else plays king of the hill and has noticed that people consistantly hate johnny? I play with a lot of poke strings and favour just getting a nut punch and meter then ex fireballs instead of the big combos with flash kicks and seems i'll regularly get 0. I guess people think it's spam, but i'm wondering if anyone else here suffers from the same thing.

I mixed it up and went as scorpion, as soon as people see a couple of combos worth 40% they're all excited.

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I was just wondering tbh whether anyone else plays king of the hill and has noticed that people consistantly hate johnny? I play with a lot of poke strings and favour just getting a nut punch and meter then ex fireballs instead of the big combos with flash kicks and seems i'll regularly get 0. I guess people think it's spam, but i'm wondering if anyone else here suffers from the same thing.

I mixed it up and went as scorpion, as soon as people see a couple of combos worth 40% they're all excited.

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Yeeep. It's UNcommon for me to get praise and for people to not call it spam. I saw a quote somewhere on here that went something like "calling something spam is a scrubs way of saying, 'I suck'."

But yeah, I use a lot of F+3,3 ~ nut punch and can do it over and over and over because they don't realize to block. Then when they do, I use 2,1,B+4 to mix up and get a low in. Don't let them get to ya', it's just poor players not realizing what to do and raging over it. Today I played against someone who was spamming in the chat before hand, "ALL NOOBS FACE ME - I WILL TEACH YOU - I AM THE BEST - 1V1 ME AND GET OWNED" and I beat him 2-0 in one match, with a flawless as cage(AND he counterpicked with Stryker.) Not tooting my own horn here, just saying that online has a pretty bad mix of people. <.<

Edit: anyways.. with king of the hill people don't seem to like anything that seems like "spam". Even if it's the recieving players fault, people still do a "boo" command and give 0 at the end.


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I was just wondering tbh whether anyone else plays king of the hill and has noticed that people consistantly hate johnny? I play with a lot of poke strings and favour just getting a nut punch and meter then ex fireballs instead of the big combos with flash kicks and seems i'll regularly get 0. I guess people think it's spam, but i'm wondering if anyone else here suffers from the same thing.

I mixed it up and went as scorpion, as soon as people see a couple of combos worth 40% they're all excited.

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People in KOTH definitely associate slashy kombos with skill. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, just who does the flashiest kombos. I'm a Kano player, and he has NO flashy kombos so it's very difficult to get any respect points. I can totally sympathize with you.


People in KOTH definitely associate slashy kombos with skill. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, just who does the flashiest kombos. I'm a Kano player, and he has NO flashy kombos so it's very difficult to get any respect points. I can totally sympathize with you.
Damn. Was going to ask if I could get some help as a Kano player, but I saw you're only on Xbox. How much hate do you get for playing as him still? lol. "upball is for tards lul"


Weather Man
Same thing happens to me and I use Kabal. No Flashy combos with him neither just the basic Nomad Dash cancel mix ups, but it dosen't really matter thats the online community for you. Keep playing Johnny and let them give 0 just more of a reason to fatality them all lol


Sinestro's might!
Can someone explain this to me? I often have the 'knight in shining armour' syndrome about me when I enter a KoTH match. I see that if a person has lots of wins, its my duty to save the pople in it and liberate them. I wait a few rounds. They all give the player 0's. All of them. My turn. I win. I get 4's 5's and 2's. Or worse, just one guy gives me a bad score.

WTF ASSHOLES I JUST SAVED YOU. So do what I do, fatality them with your longest one. If you can do a taunt. To a special set up.


Weather Man
Can someone explain this to me? I often have the 'knight in shining armour' syndrome about me when I enter a KoTH match. I see that if a person has lots of wins, its my duty to save the pople in it and liberate them. I wait a few rounds. They all give the player 0's. All of them. My turn. I win. I get 4's 5's and 2's. Or worse, just one guy gives me a bad score.

WTF ASSHOLES I JUST SAVED YOU. So do what I do, fatality them with your longest one. If you can do a taunt. To a special set up.
Yea but after you beat the guy you become the bad guy haha. This reminds me of the dance I have with Kabal that I do to teabagging trolls before fatality. KABALING!!! lol Blanked if you have x ray and using Johnny use it before fatality that will mess with them a bit.


Can someone explain this to me? I often have the 'knight in shining armour' syndrome about me when I enter a KoTH match. I see that if a person has lots of wins, its my duty to save the pople in it and liberate them. I wait a few rounds. They all give the player 0's. All of them. My turn. I win. I get 4's 5's and 2's. Or worse, just one guy gives me a bad score.

WTF ASSHOLES I JUST SAVED YOU. So do what I do, fatality them with your longest one. If you can do a taunt. To a special set up.
LOL I feel the same way man. I've come into KOTH matches and saved the winner from getting 10 wins multiple times now :D highest streak I got was 22 and man..they were raging HARD. 0.0's every time and they were all counter picking my Cage and etc. Good fun though..

Edit: BTW 'grats on 500 posts man.


hahaha! See i normally try to be respectful and just do an uppercut, but you've all convinced me to teabag, xray taunt then do the oscar fatality after each win :D

oh and i definitely share the knight in shining armour approach. It's like a challange of honour to liberate the scrubs...


The future of law enforcement.
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Damn. Was going to ask if I could get some help as a Kano player, but I saw you're only on Xbox. How much hate do you get for playing as him still? lol. "upball is for tards lul"
Oh it's pretty bad. If I throw a single knife or upball I'm a spammer... My favorite way to piss people off is to use Ex Kanoball and just hold it so he's spinning in place for as long as possible. Otherwise I just use Choke or (preferably) Ex Choke.