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Kinda frustrated playing lately

I've been playing MK for about as long as it's been out, and this isn't so much about losing to any particular person or tactic. But lately I've been just upset by my Mileena's lack of progress vs some others I see who just can seemingly "read minds" to win. Granted, I haven't yet competed in tournament as the closest one to me will be Summer Jam. But even through online, I can tell that I can't just be inside a person's head like the already established players can.

I've played in tournaments for over 3 years with Soul Calibur 4 and the same thing seems to hold true in that if I can't impose my will on someone and read everything right, I'll never win a tourney. Does hard work really amount to nothing in these competitions? Is it really just about tier whoring or mind reading? And if that's the case why are most of us who lack these talents even wasting our time? End rant.

Thanks in advance for listening.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Are you complaining that you have no ability to read another player's strategy? Sounds like a major personal issue, not something that can be explained how to do. Unless you want me to go through every character and explain their general tactics and variations, and how to bait every character into doing what you want them to do?
No, it's not that I have zero ability to read people. I'm by no means incapable, but I wonder sometimes if it's enough to make it work when it counts. Figuring out anti-character strats and things like that are all good and well. That just comes with practice and experience. I'm just concerned if it'll just be another case of hard work and practice only getting me so far before it just boils down to making enough correct reads to force opponents to freeze up.

I'll see decisions made in matches sometimes that don't make a lot of sense to me, and they still work. But if I do something similar it may not. I guess I just really want to believe that hard work and knowledge of the game is enough. Not just that you have to have this innate sense that can't be trained.


Being able to read is one thing. Being able to execute is another. Mileena can be deadly in the hands of an experienced veteran. Proof? Look at REO in EVO. Top 8. Nuff said.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Execution errors aren't in question here. And I don't remember saying anything about Mileena not being viable as a character. I'd drop her if I truly thought she was hopeless. Reo seems to do exactly what I'm talking about though. He's great, we all know this. But what separates him from the rest? It's probably his ability to make things work that normally wouldn't.

His match with Aris for example was awesome, but what made it even crazier for me, was that I called a lot of the same setups he did in that match. Then there was other stuff he did where I found myself wondering how he got away with it.

I'm just starting to lose confidence in myself, that's all. It's not like I'm super depressed over it or nothin'.


Zero, do you live near Clifton? And to what you've written. Don't take this offensively, but I honestly doubt you've put the time and dedication that these other players have. I mean look at TB he plays day in and day out against great competitors and still manages to lose. That in itself is a great testament on how muc dedication is need to actually get to that level. And there always will be people better than you, ALWAYS. But, in reality sometimes people just get lucky. And luck and skill are a great teams to have, iMHO. I honestly think that you have the potential to shine, if you get more offline play in all honesty. I truly believe that 1 offline session will always equal more than a week of online play.

Oh, and to add. In a tournament setting, skill can just completely crack under pressure and or excitement. Nothing is truly set in stone, and in a tournament setting big name people can make HUGE mistakes. As I feel Aris did. I honestly feel he had it in the bag.
Missed the Clifton reference, heh. But other than that you're absolutely right. They do play offline more often than I do right now. (My main offline sparring partners I play once a week or so mainly to readjust my timing/execution etc.) But yeah, I know what you're saying. Other than Soul Calibur, this is the only other fighting game series I've taken to competitively. I'm not a huge name in that scene either, although I do pretty well in tourneys placing wise.

But yeah, I'll get over it and be playing again sooner rather than later. It's like I told you before, everyone gets frustrated at times. Hell, even Brady made videos to explain himself after blowing up in frustration. Guess I'm just goin through mine at the moment.