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Kim Jong Il Is No More.



bill went through senate. Obama decided not to vito the bill. Its gonna get signed. Look at the link soa posted. Were all fucked....the end
But the vote in the House has been delayed until 2012. Unless in the last 3 days they decided otherwise I'm inclined to not believe you.

Were both talking about SOPA right? Or the Terrorist detaining thing. Cause yea, that's getting passed.

bill went through senate. Obama decided not to vito the bill. Its gonna get signed. Look at the link soa posted. Were all fucked....the end
Just a question, what does this bill change? Because Bush claimed all the powers in it. Obama claimed all those powers plus the ability to kill people by secret panel. So that's all on the books. And both those pale in comparison to what Lincoln and FDR claimed. So there is nothing "new" here in any shape way or form. It was just a pissing contest over if it's Obama's call, or congress call.


How's my volume?
But the vote in the House has been delayed until 2012. Unless in the last 3 days they decided otherwise I'm inclined to not believe you.

Were both talking about SOPA right? Or the Terrorist detaining thing. Cause yea, that's getting passed.
The 2012 thing is a lie, last I heard they changed the date again without making it big news and changed it so they are going to vote on SOPA/PIPA TOMORROW.
Its amazing atrocities like this could even happen. First i have to say i feel awful for all the North Koreans who are forced to accept all the garbage he fed them as truth. I doubt its even possible to save that nation at this point, even if they were successfully taken over by another country, trying to help the North Koreans into society will be all but impossible. As far as there weeping goes, they are all finding out the man who creates everything that country has is now gone, they must feel completely helpless now. It truly feels like North Korea is just a fucked up social experiment. Maybe someday that country could be liberated, but the people there would never accept the world. It just disgusts me that this level of evil is attainable, I've never been one to wish bad things to people, but i sincerely hope there is a rebellion of miraculous proportion, and the Kim's are tortured, beaten, and starved beyond natural means.


The bill has caused controversy due to a provision that would give the government the authority to indefinitely detain terrorist suspects, even if they are US citizens, without trial.
No real change except for the trial which hardly matters if they want to detain you.