So basically while I'm sitting here poking holes in your tech, something you should be welcoming as it helps make your tech better, you're instead ignoring things that the game was patched to allow and saying I need to get out?
That's fine with me, honestly I don't feel like wasting my time with fake tech. I'm not one to allow misinformation but theres just no helping some people.
shaowebb ? I don't always have to fight.
Dude, I already explained how to get out of the set up it in the OP,
It just doesn't matter to me what you post, because MB Dead On will beat your wake ups if the D3 hits you from that distance. I about the wake up window because I know it works. I new you would be in the thread anyways, because you are in every thread.
I just recorded it and woke up against it with bane and got beat by it.
I also got my wife to do the wake ups against me with Bane 2 minutes ago.
So I KNOW it works.
and how can a "Set Up" be FAKE tech?? I explained that it's a set up, and an "Option" for Arrow, this isn't something an Arrow Player would be trying to do all the time, and it only works because of the distance after the D3.
What you say and think doesn't matter to me at all. It's not miss information, its been tested in practice, online, offline vs human opponents, so Hold Dat.
Go to some other forum now and tell them how great Banes Armor is and how you dont' really have to learn how to play the game because you can just Armor everything.
Your really starting to annoy me.