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Khaos Reigns Story Trailer - NOW LIVE!

Scott Naylor


I hated the Tony Stark inside the helmet shot of her fatality. I still don't like her Ironman suit. Seeing her stand by the Umgadi cough Wakanda cough guards felt less like being inspired by Marvel to just a straight copy/paste. Feels like NRS wants MK to be knock off Marvel, straight to DVD marvel. Which hurts a bit extra since we're kinda in an age where people are tired of Marvel. This would have been "cool with the kids" 6 years ago maybe, but now...?

Game play wise I thought she looked cool. Although, as others have mentioned, I think her game plan might revolve around her flight mechanic. Could still be cool tho

Lore wise I feel super bad for Bi-Han. He's like the only villain in a world filled with happy go lucky heroes. Happy go lucky heroes brutally disemboweling each other which just feels so off and uncomfortable. Like MK feels too violent to shoe horn in the Marvel stuff. Reptile is a befuddled, fish out of water, lovable, leave it to beaver type of character now, but oh wait he dissolves his victims in acid before EATING THEM. That's a fucking weird mix. And I know thats just his fatalities and not something he does in story mode, but still, that's what his fucking abilities are. If your friendly neighborhood spider man violently eviscerated his enemies with his massive spider fangs you need to rethink that friendly neighborhood part. I'm rambling now, but yeah.
Peep the yellow Khameleon outfit. New disguise related to gameplay???
She appeared yellow in the base game story as well, when paired with Tanya, despite not having any moves from Tanya. Given the controversy surrounding her balance, I doubt they'd give her a new kameo move (but I'd love to be wrong).
I hated the Tony Stark inside the helmet shot of her fatality. I still don't like her Ironman suit. Seeing her stand by the Umgadi cough Wakanda cough guards felt less like being inspired by Marvel to just a straight copy/paste. Feels like NRS wants MK to be knock off Marvel, straight to DVD marvel. Which hurts a bit extra since we're kinda in an age where people are tired of Marvel. This would have been "cool with the kids" 6 years ago maybe, but now...?

Game play wise I thought she looked cool. Although, as others have mentioned, I think her game plan might revolve around her flight mechanic. Could still be cool tho

Lore wise I feel super bad for Bi-Han. He's like the only villain in a world filled with happy go lucky heroes. Happy go lucky heroes brutally disemboweling each other which just feels so off and uncomfortable. Like MK feels too violent to shoe horn in the Marvel stuff. Reptile is a befuddled, fish out of water, lovable, leave it to beaver type of character now, but oh wait he dissolves his victims in acid before EATING THEM. That's a fucking weird mix. And I kno

w thats just his fatalities and not something he does in story mode, but still, that's what his fucking abilities are. If your friendly neighborhood spider man violently eviscerated his enemies with his massive spider fangs you need to rethink that friendly neighborhood part. I'm rambling now, but yeah.

You see Geras fighting Tanya, Sektor fighting Baraka and Ermac, you see Noob Saibot fighting Scorpion, Havik fucking everyone up, Cyrax and Sektor fighting each other while Sektor hints at the Cyber Initiative in pre-fight dialogue and think, "There are no villains. Everyone is happy go lucky." And, "Sub Zero was the only villain."

Deeply depressing stuff, really. We're just going to pretend Shao, Reiko, Nitara, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Sub Zero, and Havik all aren't antagonists and that Everyone gets along.

one of the hardest characters to come up with anything interesting ngl.
maybe they should focus more on normals and less on specials, at least that's how MK9 sektor got some interesting stuff going for him, the leg lift for an oh/low mix was pretty great, i haven't seen on this sektor
Do you think? I think it would be one of the easier ones. If you give them a cyber suit that can make random things appear, you could give her almost anything as a new gadget.
I feel like cyrax is a LOT closer gameplay wise to their original design that sektor?

Sektor has mostly been about good projectiles and mid/fullscreen conversions with really long buttons.

NuSektor seems to have flight as a major part of her kit, and another "in there" character, and the fatal blow is just lame and bland in comparison to even kameo Sektor's fatal blow?

I think they nailed cyrax, but I'm not feeling Sektor in the slightest so far.


Ehhh the buttons/range stuff might be there and just hidden in their need to mostly show off combos, but like...watching sektor get a fullscreen knockdown and then dash in repeatedly feels wrong. Hoping it's just trailer.

Oh also it's fucking WEIRD that given bihan is one of the only 100% bad guys in the story right now that they seem to want to go the "must save bi han/must be loyal" route? It's...acting like he isn't an unrepentant asshole for the entire story?

I still think Sektor retains that identity. It just looks like they're building off Triborg Sektor more than 9 Sektor. Her straight missile knocks down, and her up missile does a loopty loop in the air. That's already going to be nasty for zoning and that's not even considering her with a Kameo
You see Geras fighting Tanya, Sektor fighting Baraka and Ermac, you see Noob Saibot fighting Scorpion, Havik fucking everyone up, Cyrax and Sektor fighting each other while Sektor hints at the Cyber Initiative in pre-fight dialogue and think, "There are no villains. Everyone is happy go lucky." And, "Sub Zero was the only villain."

Deeply depressing stuff, really. We're just going to pretend Shao, Reiko, Nitara, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Sub Zero, and Havik all aren't antagonists and that Everyone gets along.

True, there are a few other villains. I kinda took Shang and Quan off the board because they were defeated in the first story line. But yeah I guess Sub, Havik, Nitara, Reiko, Shao, probably Sektor vs (deep inhale) Lui, Kung, Johnny, Sindel, Mileena, Kitana, Reptile, Baraka, Tanya, Geras, Ermac, Smoke, Scorpion, Kenshi, Ashrah, Rain (he said sawy), Li Mei, Cyrax, Takeda doesn't feel lop sided at all.


But really it doesn't matter because marvel multiverse bullshit. A portal could open with 200 Bi-Hans, 500 Shao's, Johnny Cage's that are evil in their timelines, etc.
True, there are a few other villains. I kinda took Shang and Quan off the board because they were defeated in the first story line. But yeah I guess Sub, Havik, Nitara, Reiko, Shao, probably Sektor vs (deep inhale) Lui, Kung, Johnny, Sindel, Mileena, Kitana, Reptile, Baraka, Tanya, Geras, Ermac, Smoke, Scorpion, Kenshi, Ashrah, Rain (he said sawy), Li Mei, Cyrax, Takeda doesn't feel lop sided at all.


But really it doesn't matter because marvel multiverse bullshit. A portal could open with 200 Bi-Hans, 500 Shao's, Johnny Cage's that are evil in their timelines, etc.

You mean the protagonists outnumber the antagonists? In a Mortal Kombat game!?

By golly, that's without precedent.

Just don't look at any of the past rosters of MK games.
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It might just be me but I'm having a real hard time reading Sektor's attacks, it all kind of blurs together and lacks distinction.
Yeah me too the gun she pulls out just looks kinda weird I didn't even know what it was from the trader trailers
You mean the protagonists outnumber the antagonists? In a Mortal Kombat game!?

By golly, that's without precedent.

Just don't look at any of the past rosters of MK games.
Your pissy sarcasm is so damn unnecessary.

But, yes, the protagonists do indeed greatly out number the antagonists in the story, more so than any previous game (maaaaaybe mk9 comes close??). But the pure ratio wasn't my point at all, it was that the overly positive disposition of the characters feels out of place with the brutally violent tone of the series.

This isn't a huge issue to me either. I just said it seemed like a weird mix.
Your pissy sarcasm is so damn unnecessary.

But, yes, the protagonists do indeed greatly out number the antagonists in the story, more so than any previous game (maaaaaybe mk9 comes close??). But the pure ratio wasn't my point at all, it was that the overly positive disposition of the characters feels out of place with the brutally violent tone of the series.

This isn't a huge issue to me either. I just said it seemed like a weird mix.

Oh yes, Baraka seems like a VERY positive character. Overly positive, one might say!
Oh yes, Baraka seems like a VERY positive character. Overly positive, one might say!
Lmao man you are reaching so damn hard. He's more positive than ever! Watch his ending. He asks his best friend Reptile to ask his wonderfully generous empress Mileena for aid, which she immediately grants and brings him and his followers baskets of FUCKING fruit. In past games he led a tribe of flesh eating savages, now they're having fruit salad! Not to mention he's allied with what, 3/4's of the cast...?

But you're right, he is a ferocious monster of a character that dices up his enemies. Now contrast that with him, Reptile, and Mileena chowing down on their fruit salads at their giggly little picnic. Its a fuckin weird mix!! Monstrous characters in an ultra violent franchise practically playing patty cakes together. You are so close to getting my point, like dangerously close to agreeing with me lol! Just stahp
Lmao man you are reaching so damn hard. He's more positive than ever! Watch his ending. He asks his best friend Reptile to ask his wonderfully generous empress Mileena for aid, which she immediately grants and brings him and his followers baskets of FUCKING fruit. In past games he led a tribe of flesh eating savages, now they're having fruit salad! Not to mention he's allied with what, 3/4's of the cast...?

But you're right, he is a ferocious monster of a character that dices up his enemies. Now contrast that with him, Reptile, and Mileena chowing down on their fruit salads at their giggly little picnic. Its a fuckin weird mix!! Monstrous characters in an ultra violent franchise practically playing patty cakes together. You are so close to getting my point, like dangerously close to agreeing with me lol! Just stahp
Baraka is SO positive, that he constantly talks about how death would be a release from living with Tarkat, how much it sucks to live with Tarkat, how his life is nothing but suffering and pain, etc in just about all of his pre-fight dialogue.

And we'll ignore this because Mileena - someone that suffers from the same disease as him - showed him some compassion.

Clown shoes
Baraka is SO positive, that he constantly talks about how death would be a release from living with Tarkat, how much it sucks to live with Tarkat, how his life is nothing but suffering and pain, etc in just about all of his pre-fight dialogue.

And we'll ignore this because Mileena - someone that suffers from the same disease as him - showed him some compassion.

Clown shoes
hahah!! What even is your argument in relation to mine?? To reiterate (AGAIN) my point was that characters behaving overly positive or friendly towards each other FEELS out of place with the brutally violent tone of the franchise. And this has been exasperated by the sheer amount of “friendly” characters.

You tried to dumb it down into a good guy vs bad guy numerical ratio (and been wrong). And now you are trying to dumb it down into “SeE nOT evERy chAraCTER is HapPY!” Wtf is your point in relation to mine??

I swear you try sooo hard to be angsty that your most basic reading comprehension just goes flying out the door. Fetch your clown shoes is right.
hahah!! What even is your argument in relation to mine?? To reiterate (AGAIN) my point was that characters behaving overly positive or friendly towards each other FEELS out of place with the brutally violent tone of the franchise. And this has been exasperated by the sheer amount of “friendly” characters.

You tried to dumb it down into a good guy vs bad guy numerical ratio (and been wrong). And now you are trying to dumb it down into “SeE nOT evERy chAraCTER is HapPY!” Wtf is your point in relation to mine??

I swear you try sooo hard to be angsty that your most basic reading comprehension just goes flying out the door. Fetch your clown shoes is right.

I see your reading comprehension is an issue.

You tried to point out the disproportionate amount of antagonists vs protagonists in MK1 as if that is without precedent in the franchise, and I pointed out that it's actually happened before.

Then you ranted and raved about everyone being, "happy go lucky" and got hyper-fixated on fruit baskets for some really weird reasin, so I used real examples of why that just isn't so.

Now you're trying to gaslight because you've been proven wrong.

My point, since you need me to spell it out for you, is this:

You're suffering from the Mandela Effect when it comes to older games vs MK1. You're arguing that having a lot of friendly characters is somehow out of place in MK, when in past games we had - checking notes - parents and children being able to kill each other, Warriors of Light also being able to brutally murder one another, etc.

Nothing in MK1 is without precedent, Bozo. You dropped your rubber nose.
I see your reading comprehension is an issue.

You tried to point out the disproportionate amount of antagonists vs protagonists in MK1 as if that is without precedent in the franchise, and I pointed out that it's actually happened before.

Then you ranted and raved about everyone being, "happy go lucky" and got hyper-fixated on fruit baskets for some really weird reasin, so I used real examples of why that just isn't so.

Now you're trying to gaslight because you've been proven wrong.

My point, since you need me to spell it out for you, is this:

You're suffering from the Mandela Effect when it comes to older games vs MK1. You're arguing that having a lot of friendly characters is somehow out of place in MK, when in past games we had - checking notes - parents and children being able to kill each other, Warriors of Light also being able to brutally murder one another, etc.

Nothing in MK1 is without precedent, Bozo. You dropped your rubber nose.
lol you're delusional as always. You got dunked on repeatedly. I feel like Shaq playing little league basketball.

You do however finally, at long last, bring up an actual good point. Past games having children eviscerate their parents and vice versa. Which, guess what, was a fuckin weird mix too. And mkx was the beginning of nrs trying to make mk marvel (kombat kids were the avengers). The happy go lucky marvel shit just feels out of place in mk. The story and characters could be so much darker but NRS is terrified of that for some reason so they just chase disney marvel coattails. But it’s cool if you like that Rude. You have shit taste in everything so that tracks.

I’m done talking to you tho. You clearly just argue to argue. You’re like an angsty 14 year old boy trapped in a grown man’s body. Pulling out psychology 101 terms and everything. Cringe incarnate
lol you're delusional as always. You got dunked on repeatedly. I feel like Shaq playing little league basketball.

You do however finally, at long last, bring up an actual good point. Past games having children eviscerate their parents and vice versa. Which, guess what, was a fuckin weird mix too. And mkx was the beginning of nrs trying to make mk marvel (kombat kids were the avengers). The happy go lucky marvel shit just feels out of place in mk. The story and characters could be so much darker but NRS is terrified of that for some reason so they just chase disney marvel coattails. But it’s cool if you like that Rude. You have shit taste in everything so that tracks.

I’m done talking to you tho. You clearly just argue to argue. You’re like an angsty 14 year old boy trapped in a grown man’s body. Pulling out psychology 101 terms and everything. Cringe incarnate

The cope in this post is absolutely insane. It's hilarious. Especially with your constant mis-remembering of what the series has actually been like.

Calling the Kombat Kids the Avengers is a huuuuuuge stretch. Not to mention you're calling MKX "Happy-Go-Lucky" when:

Mileena gets eaten from the inside out by D'Vorah's bugs

Kotal Kahn tries to have a thief executed.

Everything about Corrupted Shinnok

Scorpion slicing Quan Chi's head off.

I could go on, but at this point you've demonstrated an IQ in the single digits.

The Mandela Effect is alive and well on these forums, and you're it's poster boy.

You dropped your grease paint, king.
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Truly, the series has lost its way. We need a return to tradition. We need a return to...

Truly, the very heart of darkness.