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Kano vs Smoke

is it just me or is playing vs smoke one of the worst matchups for kano? Im talking about expert smokes here not noobs vs almost any other character its a pretty fair fight (maybe sub-zero is hard too but i take shang tsung vs him)


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
is it just me or is playing vs smoke one of the worst matchups for kano? Im talking about expert smokes here not noobs vs almost any other character its a pretty fair fight (maybe sub-zero is hard too but i take shang tsung vs him)
whats your issue, the thing is smoke is my second main and he's a damn beast character though i think there some things he needs

Deleted member 5032

Smoke has no low-hitting chains so are really don't have to worry about blocking low against him which the exception of his incredibly fast sweep, but that won't lead to any real damage. Smoke can be annoying to fight but he shouldn't really pose much of a threat to a good Kano player. Whatever you do, don't ever jump. Without any good chip-damage zoning you should never have a reason to jump against him. If you do jump you will be punished. Use wavedashes and wavedash baiting to draw out his specials, particularly his teleport. Kanoball completely nullifies his Smokeball. You can actually counter his Smokeball with Kanoball on reaction. Don't zone with your Knives because he can use Shake for an unblockable counter. Once you get in close and can turn up the pressure don't let up. Your sweep is a fantastic tool against Smoke. You can check out my Ultimate Kano Guide here for more good info that should help you wipe the floor with Smoke.


Gaming4Satan Founder
One of the most common misconceptions about Smoke is that because he has no lows in his strings that you don't have to block low against him. I will poke and sweep you to death until you block low then smack you with overhead chop. AND, on every sweep I get to play Smoke ridiculous oki game. There is more to mix ups than just dial-a-combos.

The trick to beating a high level Smoke is to be as defensive as possible and whatever you do, don't let him knock you down.
il try not jumping next match but trusth me when i say smoke is probably kanos worst matchup with sub-zero and im no noob saying this my record is 1000-100 online with kano

Deleted member 5032

il try not jumping next match but trusth me when i say smoke is probably kanos worst matchup with sub-zero and im no noob saying this my record is 1000-100 online with kano
I used to think Smoke was Kano's worst matchup when I was just getting started, but after you learn how to fight him it's really no contest. I can't remember the last time I came even close to losing to Smoke.


Gaming4Satan Founder
im no noob saying this my record is 1000-100 online with kano
I don't mean this to be a dick, however, I don't like to sugar-coat things.

A player's online record is IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM reflective of that person's actual skill. The more people that realize this, the better.
i played 5 matches vs him i won 2 then he won 3 and quit plus considering say out of 1500 matches i played online in all modes i played vs smoke what 40 times max so its hard to get to know a matchup when u dont play vs him alot espacialy when u play vs an expert player


Gaming4Satan Founder
Yea, fighting a good player with a character you are unfamiliar with will almost always beat you. I got worked by Jim Coastin's Nightwolf in Salty Battles III because he was sick nasty and I have no experience playing a skilled Nightwolf. You're not a noob because you lose this type of matchup, nor was I making a claim to your skill. I was simply making the claim that your claim of "because my online record is good, therefore I am good", is false.

You might be nasty as fuck, but that is in no way related to your online record.
everytime I play vs my friends in real life its not even fair and they always end up wanting to play nhl so online is pretty much the only place to get a challenge sure you will get matched vs epic noobs very often but you will also get matched vs pros i dont know any expert MK players in real life like you guys probably do so online is the way to go.
my Alt is Smoke, Maybe one of you want to practice his Kano against my smoke, not realy good with smoke tough.
and if you spam your projectiles and buttonmash without knowing what you do ill leave right away.
PSN: Reiger5
live in the Netherlands in southwest Europe


Gaming4Satan Founder
how are we suppose to "spam" knives vs smoke when he can just shake?
You can't. Not to mention that Kano got the shaft when it comes to EX shake as well. EX shake counters every single one of Kano's moves except for X and pokes.

Deleted member 5032

my Alt is Smoke, Maybe one of you want to practice his Kano against my smoke, not realy good with smoke tough.
and if you spam your projectiles and buttonmash without knowing what you do ill leave right away.
PSN: Reiger5
live in the Netherlands in southwest Europe
If you leave whenever someone starts "spamming" (I prefer the term "zoning"...) you're never going to learn how to deal with such tactics (which are some of the easiest tactics to counter) and you're doing your opponent a disservice by not beating them into the ground and showing them the kinks in their gameplan. If you don't like people "spamming", punish them severely for doing so and hopefully they'll be able to take their game to the next level. Just my 2 cents.
One of the most common misconceptions about Smoke is that because he has no lows in his strings that you don't have to block low against him. I will poke and sweep you to death until you block low then smack you with overhead chop. AND, on every sweep I get to play Smoke ridiculous oki game. There is more to mix ups than just dial-a-combos.

The trick to beating a high level Smoke is to be as defensive as possible and whatever you do, don't let him knock you down.
Just a side note, I'd rather take my chances with sweeps and low pokes than eat a high/medium combo jungle from Smoke. And Smoke has a great oki game, true, but a good Kano isn't going to let you pressure him when he is down; you will get an Up Ball or Choke to the face if you slip up. As for playing defensive, I agree to some extent, but Smoke beats zoning characters - period. I have to take my chances with pressure, well timed knives, and horizontal ball when you decide to Smoke ball/Smoke out.