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Kano Kombos


Crossup ji FP or ji FP, Dash, BPFPBP,Dash,BPFPBP,Dash, Back FPFPBP.. 30% damages. I was trying to see if Back FPFPBP gives us a better window at end instead of starting combo with it but it didn't maybe on the wall? I shall see what happen there...


If people are having trouble on pad hitting ball after the BnB's, you can do another dash and then up ball for the same damage.

so instead of

j.1 b+1,1,2 f,f, 2,1,2 f,f 2,1,2 f,d,b,f- 36%


j.1 b+1,1,2 f,f 2,1,2 f,f 2,1,2 f,f b,f,2- 36%

Stick players shouldn't have any issues doing ball for the most part.


Snake eyes
Do you guys wanna' lock this thread and put it back in the Strategy thread, or do you want me to compile all these into the first post and just leave it here separately?
Do you guys wanna' lock this thread and put it back in the Strategy thread, or do you want me to compile all these into the first post and just leave it here separately?
That's unnecessary, I check this tread a lot so I always can update when new info pop up.


i have not messed around with punishing teleport too much but can i hit with b112 combo starter?

i have been just using 33 up ball. Guess ill have to try it to see how hard the timing is!!

i think punishing is the most important part of Kanos game so it will be a big upgrade.

My record is very good online and i usally just use good def with 33 up ball punish. Knifes can make the opponents play very sloppy and predictable.

i also find it hard to hit the b112 dash 212 during a laggy match. Im just wondering if its worth the change.

33 up ball pretty good dmg. so is f4 up ball. Dont know how to use this in a combo but im guessing it could be usefull in corner. I feel we are missing some damaging combos vs pinned opponents!! i cant do kanos downball ex good with pad but i think u can take advantage if u back a opponent in corner while doing b112 dash 212 ending that with a jump kick throw is what i like to do!!

I think having a better combo in corner would help a lot!!! seems wierd that he doesnt have a better one!!!!

I also would really love f3 to be a low hit!!!!!! Cant stress that enough


Once the land from the rolling in the air animation, they are stiill wide open for punsihing, allowing you time to land your b+1,1,2 or combo start of choice.


so i messed around a little and came up with a corner combo worth noting!!! jiFP b112 212 33 up ball!!! 37%

I like it alot due to how much easier it is to land then the third 212 in corner!!! tell me im wrong!! lol

anyway have not found anything better for now!!!

ex version of choke give u 39% but not worth it!! tho i think that is the bes percentage u can get with kano!!
so i messed around a little and came up with a corner combo worth noting!!! jiFP b112 212 33 up ball!!! 37%

I like it alot due to how much easier it is to land then the third 212 in corner!!! tell me im wrong!! lol

anyway have not found anything better for now!!!

ex version of choke give u 39% but not worth it!! tho i think that is the bes percentage u can get with kano!!
Well, technically Kano best combos deal 39% with 1 meter unless you are in the corner where you can get a 40% meterless, however Kano best meterless combo is 37% (unless you can do the really hard one that do 38%) so I understand why you think is not worth it but all depends if you want or not to add those extra 3%


o on your sheet there the 40% combo in the corner has the ex verision on it... did not think it was meterless. none the less tell me how much easier it is to pull off that 37% combo. i think it is the easiest and best route to go but thats just me. thought it would be worth putting up on ur sheet.
I'm such a lazy idiot, I haven't updated the Combo Thread, it will take a while, need to add the combos of the latest Kano Combo Video:
Was messing around and didn't know you launch off of a generic deep jump kick. I dunno if this was already known but its news to me. You can get more damage out of it but still not bad for a generic jump kick.

Vulcan Hades also showed some deep jump combos in his video, is definitively a useful tool.

On aside note I updated a bit the Combo Thread with the new info.
41% (Corner only, :en)
jump punch, :l:fp:fp:bp, :bp:fp:bp, :bp:fp:bp, :l:fp:bp:d:r:en:bp

35% :)en)
:l:fp:fp:bp, :r:r, :bp:fp:bp, :r:r, :l:fp:bp:d:r:en:bp
I don't have the jump-in damage on this one. Sorry!
Both combos are already on the list, I used the regular version because they waste 1 meter for only 1% more of damage which I think is not really worth it, dunno if I should add those variations because of that.
Both combos are already on the list, I used the regular version because they waste 1 meter for only 1% more of damage which I think is not really worth it, dunno if I should add those variations because of that.
Honestly, I felt the same way about them (And those :l:bp combos but thats hardly here nor there) but I thought you might want to add them for completion's sake. Not trying to insinuate you couldn't think them up, just typing them up because ctrl+c is easy.


im telling you... jump punch b112 212 33 up ball is that way to go in corner.

just way easier to hit and does 37% when hit with jump in.
im telling you... jump punch b112 212 33 up ball is that way to go in corner.

just way easier to hit and does 37% when hit with jump in.
Right now I'm just doing that combo because i haven't gotten down his 40% good enough yet. It's definitely good, but I don't feel like his 40% will be too far out of me reach with a little more practice.

EDIT: OK, 2 things:

Not to knock the work that's being done, but should every combo be listed starting with a jump-in?

And 2nd, which combo is everyone using currently with Kano?


liquid we need to test iwth Kano what is practically applicable. Honestly, from my observations. Kano wins with Knife and random kano ball. I mean, yeah he can do juggle combos, and yeah, you can if opportunity presents itself. however, most of the match is done with much much simpler chains in terms of health bar % of the opposition.
EDIT: OK, 2 things:

Not to knock the work that's being done, but should every combo be listed starting with a jump-in?

And 2nd, which combo is everyone using currently with Kano?
For the firs question, it is to list optimal damage, you can ignore the jump in punch, as you can also decide to finish the combo early for whatever reason with any of Kano special moves, however I do recommend going all the way with the juggle combo if you connect with any of the starters, this is because Kano damage is not all that great so either, they decide they will save their meter and eat the damage or waste it to interrupt your juggle and in both cases this is good for Kano because if they do use the breaker, you can still go back to zoning and punishing which is our biggest strength.

For the second question, whenever I can I go for ji:fp, :l:fp:fp:bp, :r:r, :bp:fp:bp, :r:r, ji:fk:en:r:d:l:r [Air] (39%) since it is really easy to pull off, but if they have meter to break it I rather go with any launcher strings that connect into :r:r, :bp:fp:bp, :r:r, :bp:fp:bp, :r:r, :r:d:l:r to knock my opponent away and get into our comfortable zoning position other than those combos is all zoning and punishes.

37% midscreen no meter and 40% corner no meter.
Thank you for those juggle variants.


ill tell u what after seeing Vulcan Hades video and playing some really good players... zoning is not that best of strats with kano. only works on poor players!! What i did get out of Vulcan Hades video that helped me a lot vs good players is the choke move making ur moves safer and rushing down with kano. Note that zoning can work vs certain chars but it will prolly not win u the game vs good players. Dont get me wrong throw some knifes they are still good but ur gonna need some work up close if u play someone that uses the block button. 11 choke is really fast and something i did not use until that video. great thing about it is the fact it hits when players try to jump away. chars i think the knife is great on are cage, ermac, scorp, jax, sonya, (cyrax, subzero,raiden.) these three matchups the knife is a must if u ask me. might have missed a couple but anyway worth noting chars the knife will work great on. raiden and cyrax teleports usally get stuffed due to the fact the knife is down back 2 and ball is down to forward 2. teleport usally ends up going right into upball. can they block it in time? I dont think so as long as its well timed. point is 11 choke and down 3 with dashes do help alot!! try it after a blocked b112!!! they think they have time to hit u but ur 11 choke will usally win after a failed b112!!! 21 choke is also great when they have some extra space cause 11 choke does not reach too far.with the use of these opitions opponents will have a hard time with u in there face. jade and reptile are two chars i hate facing right now and could use help on. expermenting with the extended verision of choke as well... not sure of its armor properties if anyone knows it might be very helpful. Also having trouble with people jumping over my head after a blocked combo its annoying!!!! prolly need to air throw to stuff but that is kind of scary to do after a blocked combo
ill tell u what after seeing Vulcan Hades video and playing some really good players... zoning is not that best of strats with kano. only works on poor players!! What i did get out of Vulcan Hades video that helped me a lot vs good players is the choke move making ur moves safer and rushing down with kano. Note that zoning can work vs certain chars but it will prolly not win u the game vs good players. Dont get me wrong throw some knifes they are still good but ur gonna need some work up close if u play someone that uses the block button. 11 choke is really fast and something i did not use until that video. great thing about it is the fact it hits when players try to jump away. chars i think the knife is great on are cage, ermac, scorp, jax, sonya, (cyrax, subzero,raiden.) these three matchups the knife is a must if u ask me. might have missed a couple but anyway worth noting chars the knife will work great on. raiden and cyrax teleports usally get stuffed due to the fact the knife is down back 2 and ball is down to forward 2. teleport usally ends up going right into upball. can they block it in time? I dont think so as long as its well timed. point is 11 choke and down 3 with dashes do help alot!! try it after a blocked b112!!! they think they have time to hit u but ur 11 choke will usally win after a failed b112!!! 21 choke is also great when they have some extra space cause 11 choke does not reach too far.with the use of these opitions opponents will have a hard time with u in there face. jade and reptile are two chars i hate facing right now and could use help on. expermenting with the extended verision of choke as well... not sure of its armor properties if anyone knows it might be very helpful. Also having trouble with people jumping over my head after a blocked combo its annoying!!!! prolly need to air throw to stuff but that is kind of scary to do after a blocked combo
If they are doing an empty crossup jump, then Up Ball their shit, it can catch them quite easily, now, if you can follow them with a jump in kick > Air Grab then do so,it will put them on the floor and there you can scare them with Anti Wakeup Air Ball.