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Justin Wong wins MLG Anaheim 2014: Killer Instinct


I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

This is not my opinion. This was MG's first major for KI. He was not favored to place above Justin, Grimmmmz, Rico, Valle, etc.. This is not my fault. MANY ppl call MG an "online warrior" in KI and MANY other games. This is not new you to C88 guys. The PUBLIC opinion was the Grimmmz was the odds on favorite to win, followed by Justin Wong and then Rico. MG defeated many of the favorites to win despite the fact that many had considered him an online warrior. It was my JOB to talk about the public chatter coming into thsi event in between match down times. PUBLIC CHATTER and NOT my chatter or my opinion. My opinion was that MG had a very good chance to land in the top 3 and even win.

Dont take this shit and make it my opinion, it wasnt.

and @Dirtylova I have had enough with your cheap shots. I was one of the best best MK9 players in the world. You go on calling me out as some avg or bad FG player all you want. BUT.. I have had success in FG's for 20 years. I know you are a big hater of mine, but come on man..
Your biggest weakness is your ability to be trolled dude. You gotta ignore people, especially when you know they will never agree. Best thing you can do is completely ignore his posts and respond to the rest of the topic. It show's that you are paying attention to the topic but give zero fucks about a trolls post, which is what they hate. Try it.


You have to be absolutely dim witted if you think either myself or any others are trolling about MG and his accomplishments, and the validity of the proof we're providing.. LOL

Ok ok... Back in topic.. Grats Wong, well fought and well deserved win