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Just something that always pops up in my mind.


I pretty much missed out on every MK game since MK4 and while I really do love this game, I still can't help but find it annoying that every character in these games have projectiles.

I know Ed boon has stated that he wanted to make MK as different as possible when compared to other fighters, but I still just think it's silly to have projectiles for the entire cast. And some character even have multiple projectiles that just don't make much sense to me. Like I said, I knew this coming into this game(don't know if the 3D MKs after MK4 were the same) but I just find it annoying that all the characters have projectiles.

And the funny thing is, at high level play, you hardly ever see much projectile usage from players who use characters like Sonya.
Now that I think about it, has there ever been a single MK game where there was a character who didn't have a projectile? Not counting Noob from UMK3. I'm not sure if he had one when he was playable in the Wavenet version.


Did johnny cage have a projectile in mk1? I can't remember, if he did I never learned to use it.


Lose without excuses
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Projectiles in MK aren't as good as they are in games like SF. So every character having one is fine. I think it's cool that every character can throw shit at you. It's not like there's true grapplers in MK, and if there was their projectiles would probably have slow start up or something.

thats the MKT Noob. Cant remember much about the UMK3 console ports, but none of the games I mentioned even count.
You still never have really explained why you think MKT is so bad. You just keep saying you don't like it.

Scorpion technically doesn't have a projectile.
His spear counts, at least his movie spear.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Imo, is one of the aspects I like the most in MK, I cannot stand in SF, being zoned to hell and trapped by Ryu hadouken spam tactics, when using a non-projectile character.

This make things more fair, and is a trademark on MK. And one that I approve.

Some people says that projectiles is like a "poke from safe distance", and the fact that in MK9, they don't collide with each others, not nullifying each other, makes some difference too, hehe

I was afraid about Kenshi having or not some kind of projectile, because we did not see none in his vignette / promo, but, his tele-flurry act as one, without trajectory, but, appearing very close of enemy. So, he can trade from distance against any other character.

I cannot imagine a MK game, at least, a 2D one, without this feature. We all get used to, so, "don't fix what's not broken".


Tim Static

Lead Moderator
You still never have really explained why you think MKT is so bad. You just keep saying you don't like it.
Its a MUGEN UMK3 with playable boss characters. It was made with what seems no testing or care if it was quality. It should of have been the best 2d MK and it turned out to be a joke. Doesnt mean it cant be fun to play, but it just should have been better. Did i mention playable bosses?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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Its a MUGEN UMK3 with playable boss characters. It was made with what seems no testing or care if it was quality. It should of have been the best 2d MK and it turned out to be a joke. Doesnt mean it cant be fun to play, but it just should have been better. Did i mention playable bosses?
The gameplay is almost the exact same as UMK3, just faster and with different aspects. It could have been way better but to hate on the game every time it's mentioned out of resentment is annoying. The bosses can be banned as well as the broken characters. Aside from that the game is very competitive, even more so than UMK3. Not only is it probably the most competitive MK game, it's the most fun as well especially 3v3.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The gameplay is almost the exact same as UMK3, just faster and with different aspects. It could have been way better but to hate on the game every time it's mentioned out of resentment is annoying. The bosses can be banned as well as the broken characters. Aside from that the game is very competitive, even more so than UMK3. Not only is it probably the most competitive MK game, it's the most fun as well especially 3v3.
The game sucks in my opinion is as much a colossal fail as MKAK is imo. Midway letting someone else take control only to spew out something that wasnt done right and which should have been the best thing ever (at least at that point). I didnt say it isnt fun but its hard for me to look at it like you because, i mean, how old were you when this came out? I remember hearing about this and being very very excited for it, only to get it and be supremely let down. Its obviously very different for you and maybe a lot of others,, and thats fine, but to me and a lot of others when it came out, were very much let down. That is why i resent it and that wont ever change, unless maybe, if they would take the idea of what they were trying to do with the MK HD Kollection and just remake MKT instead. The only place MKT is competitve is MKK in South America and thats just because they are better than everyone else lol.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The game sucks in my opinion is as much a colossal fail as MKAK is imo. Midway letting someone else take control only to spew out something that wasnt done right and which should have been the best thing ever (at least at that point). I didnt say it isnt fun but its hard for me to look at it like you because, i mean, how old were you when this came out? I remember hearing about this and being very very excited for it, only to get it and be supremely let down. Its obviously very different for you and maybe a lot of others,, and thats fine, but to me and a lot of others when it came out, were very much let down. That is why i resent it and that wont ever change, unless maybe, if they would take the idea of what they were trying to do with the MK HD Kollection and just remake MKT instead. The only place MKT is competitve is MKK in South America and thats just because they are better than everyone else lol.
That's cool and I get it. The game isn't bad and only is broken outside of tournament rules/restrictions, you just have a bad experience with it. I played MKT on the N64 like crack back when it was out. By myself mind you, playing the whack AI. I wish America would pick it up but at the same time UMK3 isn't popular here either. And plus only like 5 people would be competitive at MKT if it were to get picked up anyway.