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Profile Question in MK Deception (For those at NEC)

Im having trouble figuring out who is who.. can everyone tell me their profile names? This is what im getting...

Player 3 - Check
Player 2 - Jago
Player 1 - Riu
Dan - Dan (did you use anything else?)
THTB - No profile
Aldagod - No profile
Arez - No profile


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
No Profile Hotaru/Ashrah that turtles like hell is likely me.
The no profile ones are hardest to see... I wish there was a way to determine whether its the no profile one or the profile before it. I think i got it right though.

Best thing you can do is tell me if its you when its posted..

MKA you had your own profile? I dont think ill have any trouble with MKA. But might as well post it too.

Thanks for the help, dude.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
In MKA I went no profile, unless you got Wii MKA recorded also.

I do remember playstyles of everyone there as well as who they tended to pick, so if anything's off I can most likely let you know.
^^ No MKA Wii was recorded. It could have been though. We might need a second recording setup for now on, because there were just as many matches played on the WII than on PS2, and nothing from WII was recorded.

Still need to know those profiles, guys. Help me out here. Its tough going through all these matches trying to figure out who is who.

First Batch of MKA Offline is up: