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Juicy 3: Who will escape the close but no cigar club?


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
List players who you'd like to get that big win and escape from the close but no cigar club.

Pig of the Hut?
HoneyBee? <- Personal favorite to get that big win
Wound Cowboy?
16 Bit?
Ra Helios?
Playing 2 Win?


Do not touch me again.
Will the Skype Illuminati ever be able to convince the NRS community that @A F0xy Grampa is a fraud?
  • MK9: @GGA 16 Bit tried and turned heel, then got caught bracket rigging.
  • Injustice: @Pnut has been trying (really) hard and umm idk what he's accomplished with that exactly
  • MKX: ??? Predictions for who will step up to the plate?