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JBeezYBabY's FGC Yearbook 2018


Mr. Righteous
It has been a crazy roller coaster of ups and downs but I'm hella happy that Uncle JBeezY was able to enjoy a full year with you guys! Ever since I was told,I think by @Mikemetroid , "Go to events" those words rang with and I knew i really had to try going. So this year I accomplished that. Went out to 2 majors, EVO, SCR and got Top 16 in BBTag in my 2nd major. That right there gave me confidence that I am a competitor to any game I really put love and time into. I finally found the time to post all my pics from my adventures this year. Call it my FGC yearbook of 2018. Lets get it ;)

EVO 2018

TYM's very own @Johnny Based Cage And YES he's an asshole IRL LOL To keep it all the way live, he's a hella cool dude and it was very fun meeting up for the first time. Cheers to more Righteous FGC moments buddy!

The first day of EVO I went straight to the Injustice 2 area and the first person I saw was this guy. He was slouched in his seat, tired because he just did early DBFZ pools. Asked if I can get a pic with him after a bit of conversation and he agreed. Regardless of what you haters have to say, he is a very nice dude and will always remember this moment meeting the Legend in the making, @SonicFox5000 Thank you :)

THEO! Quiet but a very cool humble dude. Wish nothing but the best for him. I know he will be a force in MK11.

@hayatei It was an absolute pleasure meeting the Robin God of Injustice. Thank you for your company :)

SoCal Regionals

The Legendary James Chen. First day before heading out we spoke and told him how it was my 2nd Major ever. He calmed me down from my nervousness and said just to relax, don't think too much into it, and just have fun. Those words stayed with me and helped me accomplished getting 15th place in BBTag. I will always remember this encounter. Thank you James :)

Sami Fish!!!! What an awesome guy and surprisingly young! Definitely has a bright future in commentating. And I was honored that he actually commentated on my match. So Righteous ;)

@Tweedy ! You know how hard it is to get this muthafucka to smile !?QUESTION MARK?! Hahaha! I remember approaching him and he responded, "JBeezY the legend!" Awwww nah playa. I'm just a Negro that plays video games haha But the love is real and It was an honor meeting YOU, sir. Keep improving and Uncle JBeezY will always be rooting for you ;)

These are moments I will always cherish and I'm hoping I can create more memories with you guys in 2019. Going to these events taught me what a community really is when showing up and showing out! Its a different vibe that's beautiful. I really hope to meet more people from here. Cheers to a New Year and new moments to come. Righteous ;)
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Mr. Righteous
The INFAMOUS LTG. I got nothing toxic from this dude. All the vibes were love. He even complimented Uncle JBeezY on my fly ass jacket lol. Appreciate that and was great meeting Low...Tier...GOD!

I stumbled upon this brotha at the after party coming out the bathroom and was like, "Oh shit! Ernesto!" And he continued to lick his fingers....JUUUUUST KIDDING lol. Such a cool ass dude and he does alot by bringing news to the FGC. Yeah he slipped with that "incident" but WE as a community need to stop judging a person off of a mistake. But this is not a debate, I'm just saying. Ernesto is a Righteous dude and will always be cool in my book.

My Boo. My Love. My QUEEN! Solidified herself as being THE BEST Tekken 7 ELeague Team w/ Team Cuddle Core! We bonded right away and I love her to pieces! Happy to say I made a friend with the lovely KawaiiFaceMiles. So happy I've come across such a beatiful spirit. Thank you for encouraging me to come to more events to compete. You will ALWAYS have my heart. <3

(These were more pics i couldn't add in the OP for some reason they're not showing up here but i posted the link so you can see)


Top 16 in your 2nd major is pretty impressive, good job.

EVO is on my list of the very few places I would actually like to travel to, and I have a feeling I will actually make it there someday. Can't say that about most places.


Mr. Righteous
Top 16 in your 2nd major is pretty impressive, good job.

EVO is on my list of the very few places I would actually like to travel to, and I have a feeling I will actually make it there someday. Can't say that about most places.
Man, LET ME KNOW! I would love to meet up with ya. Hope you like Fat Tuesdays cuz we getting one damnit ;)