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Breakthrough - Jax Jax Rocket Cancels Broke

The patch has broken or taken out Jax's Rocket Cancel Hit Confirm Combos i wonder if this is meant to happen because it was not in the patch notes.....
If not i hope they patch this b4 TFC.... =*( on my TB shit my bad guys lol
I don't think that this was a mistake, they even pruned A-List Johnny Cage. He can't cancel at all now
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as well as johnny. The patch mentioned Liu Kang needs to wait 4 frames to RC for his fireball now but what the notes didnt say is that we all do. Lame. Really, really, lame.

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
I'm glad that the only cancel character I play is D'vorah and I only play her once every 3 weeks lmfao. This is really broken, hopefully it gets fixed soon for you cancel fiends.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
You can still do the rocket cancel, it's just a bit harder...very dumb nerf if you ask me.