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Issue viewing hero card

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
Anybody else having an issue where they cant see there multiplayer hero card? ( I can change it ) but I cant view my record or any of those stats


Yes. When I spend 30 seconds or so trying to retrieve it, I get a message: "the injustice servers are unavailable at this time" and I get booted back to the menu. (Xbox 360)

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
Yes. When I spend 30 seconds or so trying to retrieve it, I get a message: "the injustice servers are unavailable at this time" and I get booted back to the menu. (Xbox 360)
When I try it just says " retrieving hero card" and it will go forever, let it run for 20 mins with no results.

Anybody know a fix for this?

has anyone been able to check their hero card?


The Prettiest
Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. There is already a thread like this. It's a common issue.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
It happens to me all the time i just cancel out and select it again then it works fine till next time


Yep. This is an existing issue. You can only view it from the main menu without problems. But if your online - say survivor mode and spectating a match, decided you want to look at your hero card - it will just load.

I asked the whole room I was in, they all had the same issue.