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Is there is any way to unlock skins without going through the towers for dlc characters ?

So i am one of the people who is a kinda of a fighting games veterans, played bunch of games for 10+ years now. I got MK11 at launch, didn't find it fun and just left it at that.

I figured with the new expansion and i heard they changed some stuff,so i wanted to jump back in and give it a second chance. I looked up and found that Sindel looked interesting so i bought her and i had forgotten all about the gears and unlocks system in this game. I was just used to GBVS and current SFV where you just buy the character or pass and you get multiple skins and a bunch of colors.

Now, i just want to train and play vs people. I really don't have the time or the will tbh to waste on playing vs the AI on that tower crap, but i can't help but feel annoyed that i can't have my character look the way i want or even have the intros and all of that stuff. Even with Injustice 2, i just got stuff by playing, i don't understand why the unlock system here is this disrespectful to people's time.

Do they do periodic offers or character offer bundle that unlocks everything ? Is there is any way to bypass that system ?

Also since i am not super in touch with the NRS community, is that unlock and progression system well received among the community ?


I think just about everyone hates towers. I can't stand them. I genuinely don't see how anybody could find that grind entertaining.

You can do your characters tutorial which usually gives you a skin. Kombat league will sometimes reward you with your favorite characters skin. Of course those are only season rewards though. Sometimes your character will have a bundle in the store but you usually have to grind towers or play a lot of KL to have enough time krystals to buy them. Unless you are willing to spend actual money on the time krystals.

Other then that, yeah grinding towers is the main way to unlock skins and gear for your character.


FGC Cannon Fodder
Then PC has an unlocker if that is where you are at that does just what you are talking about. Out of PC you are out of luck.

You can do a couple of things to make it easier to get costumes. Maybe not always specific stuff, but you can get a few things if you aren't in the biggest hurry.

You don't have to grind towers in the full sense. If you keep an eye on the towers, there are often single fight towers. You can see the rewards and they often give out skins for the character you use. They let you pick up a skin, and on brutal difficulty maybe a skin and a brutality for one fight. With the right consumables you can basically coast through in about 30 seconds with little effort. It's dramatically better than just the general tower grind. Do it a few times and you will have a lot more skin options than you did before. It just takes awhile if you are only playing the single fight towers, but it's way less work.

Having the consumables you need to make that easy could be a problem if you haven't done krypt or done anything that provides them. So that could be an issue

Looking at the shop is basically the only way you are going to get intros and victories without putting in single player work. The crystals are probably best farmed from doing well in KL which at least keeps you playing people and not doing the single player stuff


Ermac & Smoke Main
I got all skins for my mains but only using the original color ones. So it is not that important to me anymore but in the early days that was annoying to wait for some towers or events. I don't care anymore, i would like to buy some new exclusive skin packs if NRS do in the future, i like well designed exclusives.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Unlock the crypt... that gets you a ton.. but there are tower only ones.. and you can use the alter for that. I think it is 100,000 coins for 1 random skin and 80,000 for a random gear item.

You can also buy skins in the store using in game currency.
For me...I really don’t care about skins and gear. Half the gear you don’t even notice during fights anyways. It something I naturally let unlock the more I play the game.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
I couldn't disagree with you more.
Challenge accepted!

The unlock system in this game is trash, it resembles the worst free to play games. It has no business being in a fully priced title. It is also the real cause behind the pandemic :p
Sadly i am on PS4 so can't take advantage of the PC unlocker.

Can you unlock stuff for the DLC character in the krypt ?


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
Just look for Boss towers and only do them. They take like 1min to finish and when you unlock Brutal difficulty do it again on that difficulty for a chance to get a brutality also. Most of my brutalities I got from Boss tower

The charakter towers wouldn´t be that bad if they wouldn´t have those stupid grindy requirements (spill 10,000 pints of blood.....boooooooriiiiiing)