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Is there any point to stage transitions?


Monster Island Tournaments
Okay we've seen enough battle arena videos to see what a majority look like so my question is whats the point?

Aside from looking awesome at first and have a big built up of destruction, not only does the opponent seem to be completely unaffected by it by how they get up, but you just fall into the screen resetting the match off in front of a new background.

So why would you ever do a stage transition since this now 1. takes your opponent out of the corner and 2. from the looks of it leaves you both at neutral??? I'm guessing it adds a descent amount of damage to your combo so unless its going to end a match, again I ask, whats the point?

They are built up and look great but then end very anti-climatic with no real payoff.


Okay we've seen enough battle arena videos to see what a majority look like so my question is whats the point?

Aside from looking awesome at first and have a big built up of destruction, not only does the opponent seem to be completely unaffected by it by how they get up, but you just fall into the screen resetting the match off in front of a new background.

So why would you ever do a stage transition since this now 1. takes your opponent out of the corner and 2. from the looks of it leaves you both at neutral??? I'm guessing it adds a descent amount of damage to your combo so unless its going to end a match, again I ask, whats the point?

They are built up and look great but then end very anti-climatic with no real payoff.
Like in MK, different stages will have different sizes, and in some areas of a stage, the interactive items may benefit you more than your opponent. This is the reasoning behind having them, as heard in multiple interviews, by the NRS team.


Closer to the coffin, but still kicking..!
Okay we've seen enough battle arena videos to see what a majority look like so my question is whats the point?

Aside from looking awesome at first and have a big built up of destruction, not only does the opponent seem to be completely unaffected by it by how they get up, but you just fall into the screen resetting the match off in front of a new background.

So why would you ever do a stage transition since this now 1. takes your opponent out of the corner and 2. from the looks of it leaves you both at neutral??? I'm guessing it adds a descent amount of damage to your combo so unless its going to end a match, again I ask, whats the point?

They are built up and look great but then end very anti-climatic with no real payoff.
Are you kidding me? They do combo damage! Also, they also let you reset the objects in the background to use on your opponent. Nuff said,!!!!
Looks like they have invincibility from that Flash vs Shazam Super Fight, and to increase damage, get better stage position, environmental benefits. Etc.


too smart to play MKX
I'm sure they'll have a function in the metagame but right now their purpose is to kill time in promotional material when they could be showing us something that hasn't gotten old.


Don't give up!
Since it takes only what, 2/4 meter, I like to consider them supers that only take half bar.

Man, I wonder how they scale, or if they scale at all?


Monster Island Tournaments
Stage length, environment benefits that assist your character better.
Gotcha, I just really wish they were executed better somehow. Its very similar to the xray in MK9. First reactions are just "um, shouldn't the match be over?" which are the exact reactions you'll have when seeing the "human" characters going through stories of buildings lol.

Don't get me wrong, I like them but I think it would have been better if they would have had different stage transitions for different characters. "Power characters" can send you through a building to extend combos into the next stage while "gadget characters" extend combos through something more fitting to their character which also gets you to that next stage (ie Joker blowing him and you up sending you off to the next stage).

Its odd that their focus gameplay is about "power vs gadget" but yet that completely goes out the window with a stage transition. So Batman can't pick up a car but he can punch you into the next city.
they seem to leave your opponent in the corner generally even if you hit them with it from midscreen. it will take experimentation, but i look forward to testing it out


Burn in my Light
I feel like the game will be so much more fair with all that stuff turned off, I think that's how it will end up in tourneys


They only thing I like about them is that they do damage. I will only use it if I can combo from them to win the round.


Lawless Victory!
Another reason to go for a stage transition is in some areas there are limited amounts of stage items (flying cars, t.vs etc) as well as different types (some re-charge and some do not). So if your gameplay revolves heavily based on stage items, and you have run out, then there's a metagame involved in blasting your opponent into another stage area.

There's also another metagame involved - you might be on the receiving end of a re-charging laser/misile stage item - so you knock your opponent (or if you're feeling especially awesome, bait and take a stage knock out) into a different area that doesn't have those stage items in.

There are potential competitve uses for it other than just for visual fun ;)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
You have a point. But it depends on a lot of variables and scenarios. Also, I think the stage transition were designed specifically with the casual player in mind. They're not going to realize that cornering your opponent is a huge advantage. They will just want to burn their meter for "free" damage and a cool effect. At high levels, I see it being only used to finish the match or if you really need to do some damage.

What I HOPE is that the stage transitions and super cut scenes will stop the clock so it's not ticking down why you have to sit and watch the cut-scene/animation.


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
I'm hoping you have the option to turn them off and, hopefully, select which segment of the stage you want to play.


Dead Kings Rise
With there being a lack of rounds this may be the best way to take a breath mid-match and (re)evaluate your play so far.
My thoughts exactly. No other fighting game gives you a chance to relax for a few and collect yourself.