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Is NRS Pulling our leg?


XBL: zydrate101
I really wish people would stop crying about how "THERE'S NO LUV FOR TEH FEMALEZZ", God.
I said the females in the story! i never said i wasn't happy with 6 females... which i'm not anyways 8 sounds better. Obviously i'm not the only one who thinks their should be more.


Actually SFIV had 17 characters at release, with 2 unplayable bosses(Seth and gouken). 24 is a very solid number for a first instalment in a series. Its hard to count mkvsdc when that game was a )3d fighter where only half the cast could inspire the current roster. Especially with how varied all the characters are looking and feeling with minimal overlapping normals (from what I've seen so far anyway).


Get staffed bro
24 is a good number. I personally don't like a large number of characters as it makes learning matchups properly a chore. TT2 was waaay too much I thought and only served to put me off, especially when they added DLC characters.


I don't know why anyone expects certain numbers on stuff like this. And for those expecting more than the four season pass DLC.... Don't. Four is a lot, considering how much goes into a character. I would be pleasantly surprised if they released any more, but utterly shocked if it was even as much as another full set of four. People are expecting tons because of off-hand comments from devs who say there's going to be so much... From a devs perspective, four is a metric ton.


It doesn't matter how many characters are in a game, it only matters how many good or useful or played characters are in a game.

MvC2 had what- 50 something characters? How many were actually used in competitive play? 10-15 at the most.

So what if MK9 has 32 characters? with how bad characters are like Kano, Sheeva, Stryker, Jade.. it had alot less for actually tournament content.

If the hype that almost all the roster for Injustice can compete, then it wins over MK9 instantly.


It doesn't matter how many characters are in a game, it only matters how many good or useful or played characters are in a game.

MvC2 had what- 50 something characters? How many were actually used in competitive play? 10-15 at the most.
More like 6 actually. Ofcourse Clockwork and some other specialists had their unique standouts. Also, that's a team game made from almost entirely previously existing sprites and movesets, so they could just stuff it as full as the memory allowed. Poor mvc2 Morrigan and that ancient sprite :3 Is she ever getting revenge nowadays XD

Even when MvC3 came out and had 40 characters(dlc included iirc) people were not satisfied, even though when you realise that 40 characters of entirely new models and mostly new or updated movesets 40 is an intense volume, especially when so many characters had crazy stuff(till DHC glitch killed :( )

Seriously 24 is a serious volume(though I might be easy to please, I am an avid Skullgirls player too) and I only hope they are all as interesting as they seem :D


I was being generous with my 10-15 viable characters in MvC2. Counting characters that were mostly assists only such as psylock, cyclops, or captain commando to bolster the god tier of mags, storm, sent, cable. And yeah
I was including Clockwork's doom/strider tech too.

But yeah, I'd rather have more than 10% of the entire cast playable, and if that means the developers take more time and quality control and playtesting on a smaller roster, then I'm all for it.


I get it, just after going in my head Sent, Storm, Mags, Cabs, Psy, Cy, Cap(not Amurica), Strider, Doom, Spiral, Rogue, Tron and uhhhh I already felt stretching it as is :3(I think there is a Juggs team out there too?) Though Mr Wong showed even the Lows can do the work(But damn is it ever a lot of work :( )

Awww Screw it, Sent, Storm Mags and Cabs is all there is. Then they Marvel 1 style pick their "helper" :3
Honestly you should be happy with what we've got. While MK9 had more content then the average fighter these days they're pretty short on content. The thing is that's not really an issue. Example being I've put hundreds of hours in uMvC3, tons and tons. Guess how many times I've beat arcade mode? Once I think.

Really, if you're not gonna play with a friends and you're not gonna play online there's really never $60 of content there.

I get it, just after going in my head Sent, Storm, Mags, Cabs, Psy, Cy, Cap(not Amurica), Strider, Doom, Spiral, Rogue, Tron and uhhhh I already felt stretching it as is :3(I think there is a Juggs team out there too?)

Iceman could probably get on that list if you're stretching it that far xP


bye felicia
Honestly you should be happy with what we've got. While MK9 had more content then the average fighter these days they're pretty short on content. The thing is that's not really an issue. Example being I've put hundreds of hours in uMvC3, tons and tons. Guess how many times I've beat arcade mode? Once I think.

Really, if you're not gonna play with a friends and you're not gonna play online there's really never $60 of content there.
I disagree totally. MK9 outsold everything else with half the distribution. Single player content means a lot to people.

Iceman could probably get on that list if you're stretching it that far xP
MvC2's tier list is not so much that other characters suck, its that some are just too good. Cable alone eliminates like half the cast at the character select screen. Ban him and maybe Storm, and you'd have a hell of a game.


I disagree totally. MK9 outsold everything else with half the distribution. Single player content means a lot to people.
To look at how true this is, recently got an email about the demographic results of those that contributed(ofcourse answers should be taken with a grain of salt) to the skullgirls campaign and voted for the character. Under 40% said they ever went to tourneys and only a minute portion of that would consider going in the following year. Despite the grains of salt, its pretty indicative to how many people follow a game with out the vs other people(well maybe friends) mindset. MK9 was a fantastic example of how to make a fighter interesting beyond the tourney scene.

Angry Joe(love him or hate him, I actually enjoy, partly due to his casualness approach to a game) a very "Casual" reviewer was furious about MVC3, a game that is very much for tourney crowd. Lobbies without spectate, some training missions, a very mediocre story despite what was promised and overal very poor experience for people from a casual viewpoint and his criticisms had a lot of merit there(I laughed at most of them though, I was way too hype for the game and frankly they really didnt apply).

Having something else to do creates a wide appeal and besides something fun for us to do if we dont want to go all in itll at least help fund a sequel :3

MvC2's tier list is not so much that other characters suck, its that some are just too good. Cable alone eliminates like half the cast at the character select screen. Ban him and maybe Storm, and you'd have a hell of a game.
Pssst, theres this dude called Sent, might wanna look into adding him to such a suggestion. Also some guy boasting about being a master of magnetism.

MvC2's tier list is not so much that other characters suck

Sorry couldn't help myself. I knew and understand what you meant :)


bye felicia
Pssst, theres this dude called Sent, might wanna look into adding him to such a suggestion. Also some guy boasting about being a master of magnetism.
Sent and Mags are good, but they don't literally eliminate characters from existence. They have great tools and matchups, but some characters can't even press buttons against Cable or simply can't hit Storm. That's why they're a bigger problem to the overall balance.

Roll is so bad, Capcom didn't even program a win pose for her. If she wins, she turns into Amingo.