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Injustice's Breaker System, "Clash System" Explained


So you should never go for a breaker if your opponent has a meter advantage. Eh... It sounds interesting I guess but also seems like over complicating what should be a rather simple mechanic.

The meter management and breakers were one of the things MK9 got completely right, this is one thing that I think NRS really shouldn't mess with but hey I'll give it a chance.
Question is, how much of that meter advantage is the opponent willing to expend to ensure he wins the clash? If he has the meter advantage, and he knows that you knows this, does he think you would try to gamble your meter or just bet the minimal? If you think he will bet the minimal because of your meter advantage, then you would probably prefer to save as much meter as possible for future confrontations. If you gamble more meter than the opponent has everytime, with him gambling only the minimum every time, then you'll just end up wasting a lot of meter.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Don't know if this was said or not, but what happens to the loser of the break, what happens to his meter? Does it go away if his opponent outbet him, or does he get to keep it because the opponent got the damage but lost all his/her meter?
Good question!


guise, guise...


now you see why some of us didn't want to "hold back to block"
It's the same in the fact that it's unfamiliar to some but that's where the connection ends, familiarity with back to block can be conditioned since so many games use it while this is a new game mechanic entirely.

I feel this mechanic is the near the borderline of dumb luck to win (Klose Kombat and Freefall Kombat) or an actual mind game mechanic (reading your opponent's greed/frugality).

Maybe what they're getting at is that sometimes blowing all of your meter on counter-breaking a breaker would be a less of a guarantee to secure a win than to simply conserve your meter and have your opponent blow theirs on a breaker. Just have to wait and see.

Counter-breaking as a new mechanic, though is interesting to say the least.


I don't play Runescape
This is to you and DragonPick since I don't feel like quoting both.

I'm willing to bet most of the people who were complaining or voicing concerns or what have you about back to block were b/c IT'S DIFFERENT TO THEM. Doesn't matter whether it's in other fighters or not. If you've never used a breaker system like this, you'd think "wtf" the minute you saw it as well, whether it was the norm in other fighters or not.

I guess I'm saying, I'm gonna attempt to give back to block a chance. People can attempt to give this breaker thing a chance.

ALTHOUGH, IMO ... seems like it would get old constantly having that word exchange and clash animation throughout the fight.
If I'm understanding you right, then I apologize for my misunderstanding yesterday. I think I know what you are and were saying before


So with this "Clash System" they are trying to appease to the Fighting game scene when it comes to the meter-management,but at the same time their trying to make it look cool and exciting to the casual people......smh


Play Monster Hunter!
In the interview on gamespot boon pretty much said that its not final and they don't have the exact rules on how its going to work down yet.

Also there will probably be a toggle to turn of stage hazards.


guise, guise...


now you see why some of us didn't want to "hold back to block"
Then with that logic MK shouldn't have put in a block button and follow the norm, nor have a breaker in the game since breakers were a change/additions from previous MKs and the same goes with meter. With that mentality we would all would be playing SF2 clones and not have games like soul calibur, cvs2, 3s, sf4, gg, bb, P4A, skullgirls, mk, and almost every single game thats not SF2.

Change can be good if the implementation behind it and the change itself are both good.

This idea can be good if they implement it right and fully explain all the details behind the mechanic.

Beside, this game is a NEW IP, its not Mortal Kombat 9. So complaining and whining about things that aren't even finalized. It's so stupid that it doesn't even warrant a response to all the people already complaining about it not being MK. The only legitimate thing you can do is critique it with a level head of discussion.


so watching the Gamespot stream, we got them to talk about the clash system. From what I heard Boon say, here's how I think it works now:

-There will be a standard breaker, probably costing 2 meter (I think there will be 4 bars of meter).
-Boon made Clashes seem like a super breaker, not sure if it will cost more meter or there are other conditions for activating it.
-The system is not final, and is still subject to changes.

Just hope the testers work out all the problems with it. I don't think it's a huge deal if it costs extra meter/whatever to use, as long as there are regular breakers. And since he also confirmed raw stages (stage hazards off), perhaps there will be a tournament mode with clashes and environment effects both off.


If both players have full bar the player who breaks can't win unless the the other guy wants to lose..... Or wants to keep meter...... So like if you have full bar and the other guy has two bars or more you can't win for sure. You'd have to have three bars more than the other guy for this to be a sure thing......So if I use this when I have three bars and the other guy has one bar we tie?!..... I need to see this in action I don't under stand it on paper.........


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Man this idea is tight...'nough said from me, I like it. They are really mixing things up and trying to create something unique it sounds really fun! I'm starting to get away from the idea that this will be a tournament game with everything new I hear, but it still seems like it's going to be REALLY FUN.


PSN: Skkra
I have no idea what to think of it, but I admire them trying something new. Maybe it'll be amazing, maybe it'll totally blow.

Particularly if this servers simply as a special-case "super breaker" as opposed to EVERY breaker, that'd be nice.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

We need a demo so bad.

This is so much stuff in one space.
I can only imagine how it's gonna play out when its in our hands.

New is good.



Focused Grace and Intensity
This game is sounding more and more not my kind of game. Gotta wait I know, but every new piece of info just doesn't sound good in terms of me wanting to compete at it.