Dankster Morgan
It is better this way
Sort of. When I think boyscout I think Captain America or Superman.Honestly not really in the actual story she acts way different than in the intros.
Sort of. When I think boyscout I think Captain America or Superman.Honestly not really in the actual story she acts way different than in the intros.
in the story she's not a sarcastic person at all she's more or less trying to live up to her parents and is basically a super serious leader who refuses to kill and plays by the book. Sounds like a boyscout to me.Sort of. When I think boyscout I think Captain America or Superman.
I found a Paladin here, still I don't get
how and why is MK your favorite franchise of all time since the character you like himself disagrees with everything happening in it?
Yeah, I remember his fatality, he was dead to me by this alone (though I think it was a kill in the bridge because it still ends with an uppercut). They made his MK9 Xray by it.
So, you wouldn't mind if they removed his fatalities
I want the OG Kung Lao as dlc. But is really all that "great" if he got beat by goro?LK is a hero, and I like characters like Superman and Captain America. Although, they need not be perfect, that is their essence. Ironically my other favorite character is Shang Tsung (probably due to Konquest).
I actually liked him more for being a shaolin and that he is like Bruce Lee. I have always liked Liu Kang since MK1 when I played Sub Zero but I thought LK was the the coolest. I do not mind the fatalities since it is Mortal Kombat but ''Mercy'' or ''friendship'' would be cool instead of such punching your opponent. I miss his dragon fatality - coolest fatality ever. Regarding Kitana, it is fine that they are FINALLY in a relationship. I think that the shaolin warriors are trained by the shaolin and not actually monks, that is why they are not bald or celibate.
I watched Konquest too, it sucks how they did not komplete it. I wanted to see how the OG Kung Lao (also weird that he was into Kitana if I recall or she was into him) overcomes odds only to die by Goro but I also wanted to see how Shang Tsung leveled up and more on his history with his former master, and Shang Tsung's humanity. Speaking of which, next game better have Tsung.
I want the OG Kung Lao as dlc. But is really all that "great" if he got beat by goro?
Characters who beat goro:
Kotal Kahn(who's win/loss is iffy)
Sub-Zero(beat goro, kano, and kintaro at the same time)
Liu Kang
The not as great Kung Lao
I dont know either the great Kung Lao is overhyped or Goro is.
no, YOU might not like your surroundings and want to make a difference (which you don't since eddard stark is everyone's favorite), I'm fine with the world as it isA Song Of Ice And Fire ( or widely knows as the TV show Game Of Thrones ) is one of my favorite novels/shows of all time, its full of killers,murderers, schemers, traitors etc. And Guess what, The Starks, specially Eddard Stark is one of my favorite characters, its because they keep being true to themselves in a world full of scum is what makes them so great. Some of us love the classic goodie goodies, its the idealism that makes us attached to someone like Superman, Captain America, Eddart Stark and Liu Kang. You might not like it, and that's just fine.
All the people I mentioned best him on the first tryI am pretty sure Shang Tsung did something to cause the loss but Goro is still a powerful warrior in his own right with 4 arms, something that the OG did not get too much experience against.
For some unknown to me reason kids these days really like a lot angtsy stuff.You have to admit though, liu got more famous in MKX, especially the revenant skin
I watch GoT too, House of Stark is definitely my favorite, because out of all characters they are the most positive as it is possible in that universe. And as I said, it is much more fascinating and interesting to watch how characters like Liu Kang, Superman, Starks, etc. endure the evil of the world and are still able to remain their humanity and goodness in tact, no matter how hard life makes it for them. As a result, they suffer the most and sometimes unfortunately writers let them become succumbed in darkness too much.A Song Of Ice And Fire ( or widely knows as the TV show Game Of Thrones ) is one of my favorite novels/shows of all time, its full of killers,murderers, schemers, traitors etc. And Guess what, The Starks, specially Eddard Stark is one of my favorite characters, its because they keep being true to themselves in a world full of scum is what makes them so great. Some of us love the classic goodie goodies, its the idealism that makes us attached to someone like Superman, Captain America, Eddart Stark and Liu Kang. You might not like it, and that's just fine.
I wasnt really bothered by jin beating kotal they still seem equeal. The jacqui and takeda thing is dumb especially sense kitana almost killed both in one hit. I loved the first half of the story but not the second. i call bullshit on jax being strong he was a jobber in mk9. Kano and reptile are still jobbers, idk if theyve won a single fight in canon. Cage randomly being powerful. All the revanants were jobbers and they turned ermac into one.I couldn't take the MKX storyline seriously cause
Jax getting his arm stepped on and feeling pain.... ..... unless he's put nerve endings to simulate touch I'm calling shenanigans. After all he can punch boulders and ground pound with no problems.
Half Dead Takeda and Jaqui beating/holding off Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Smoke, Sindel, And kitana. This is even more blasphemous than Cassie Beating Legendary Super Saiyan 2 Shinnock.
Fujin abandoned us all.
Kung Jin walking up to Kota Kahn and being all "There is honor among thieves. Imma bop the emperor of the FN Out world in 5 seconds brb"
Where's Fujin
Jax bodies Liu Kang free. So we're implying all the kombatants are either
a. Relatively equal or
b. We're full of shit.
If a. That's fine. But it makes the Jaqui Takeda power trip even more ridiculous.
Fujin opens a timeshare in Palm Springs
Jade wasn't worth returning to life. (Unless arcade endings are in play which I'm sure they arent)
Quañata the Piñata Chi gets bodied by the cast. Even in weakened state it's dumb as all hodgepodge.
Fujin makes a Tumblr page ranting about ed boons eyebrows
No villains felt powerful throughout the duration of this film.
Where's Fujin? I helped Raiden for 5 seconds and then said it's your problem now. Unless the MKX comics cleared this up at some point?
Kotal Kahn bodies Kano... but loses to Kung Jin. Think about that for a second.
FerraTorr do nothing but fraud it up. But get the upper hand on Takeda and Jaqui and Cassie and Kung jin... but remember who they beat 20 mind later?!? While injured..
Disney Presents Finding Fujin
You need transport... have Kabal.... but have him ride a horse. When he runs faster than the demon horse.
Have Rain and Tanya disappear without a trace cause Mileena dies.
Mileena Dies from a kiss of death. Ed Boon Yall gave her lips just to kill her didn't you?
MKX variation powers don't show up in story mode.
Clint Eastwood literally does nothing the entire game. But eyyy make his day!
I know this is a Liu Kang thread but his character is all over the map. I get it he's mad and wants vengeance. But at the same time he has become lost in the shuffle. Now he's just kind of there "I run the nether realm but I've got no power. Jax whipped my ass. I'm scared of Raiden. I got my girl by my side but my crew is all dead and gone." He's in a bind and it seems like hes got recruiting to do.
FixedFor some unknown to me reason kids and adults since the beginning of time really like a lot angtsy stuff.
For some unknown to me reason kids these days really like a lot angtsy stuff.
I watch GoT too, House of Stark is definitely my favorite, because out of all characters they are the most positive as it is possible in that universe. And as I said, it is much more fascinating and interesting to watch how characters like Liu Kang, Superman, Starks, etc. endure the evil of the world and are still able to remain their humanity and goodness in tact, no matter how hard life makes it for them. As a result, they suffer the most and sometimes unfortunately writers let them become succumbed in darkness too much.
Anyway, I would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in this thread so far, the last thing I was expecting from gameplay oriented forum is for pro-players to also care about character's story that much as I do. To me this is very important what kind of character I play in fighting games, starting with his personality and ending with his design, because winning with favorite character whose story is known for you brings even more pleasure, especially if you are playing a match that could have or actually happened in story. I do love aesthetics a lot.
Again, thank you very much and keep liking Liu Kang =)
Right now Liu Kang repeates the path of Anakin Skywalker by becoming Darth Vader at the end of MKX. Liu Kang is the Chosen One as well, but was led on the wrong path by dark sith lord (Shinnok) and his apprentice (Quan Chi). The only difference is that Liu Kang's beloved is by his side in Netherrealm. Kitana didn't died during giving birth to two kids, though it would be funny if that happened. So we have Liu Kang's best friend and Kitana's mother at their side as revenants as well. Raiden turned Dark. Whose left to redeeme them all?Found a comment on Reddit by the user ''marquesasrob'' that summarizes Liu's current story perfectly.
''Liu Kang has had one of the most interesting and tragic arcs of all characters. He begins as Raiden's pupil, and is eager to defend Earthrealm. He does this in the first tournament. For the second tournament, his mentor, Raiden, who he has the utmost faith in, tells him that Kung Lao must win now. So Liu Kang allows his best friend to attempt to stop Outworld. He proceeds to watch Shao Kahn, the man he despises with his whole being, murder Kung Lao. He fights and "kills" Shao Kahn, but doesn't really. Kung Lao is dead. Shao Kahn uses Sindel to lead an invasion on Earthrealm. With his best friend dead, he trusts his mentor to make the right decision. Raiden and Liu visit the Elder Gods, who simply say they can't help him. Upon getting back, everyone Liu had grown close with and trusted, all of his friends, had been killed. Kitana in particular hits him hard. Through all this, he had trusted Raiden. Raiden then tells him that the only way to stop Shao Kahn is to let him in. Liu Kang is in disbelief, and finally snaps. Kung Lao was dead. Kitana, Jade, Stryker, Smoke...all dead. So he tells Raiden he won't stand for it, and Shao must truly die. Raiden and him do battle, and Liu Kang pays the ultimate price for his lack of faith. He provoked a god, and was killed.
In most stories, this is where a character like Liu's story ends. You know the batman quote, "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"? Liu was supposed to die a hero.
But this is Mortal Kombat, and Quan Chi now has Liu's soul. Through the Revenant magic, Liu Kang is being forced to do and serve the people that he gave his life trying to stop. His twisted perception has his fury with Raiden at unbelievable levels, and after Quan Chi's death, it's shown he has taken up the helm as Emperor of Netherrealm. He is no longer the Liu Kang who fought Shang Tsung at his island. He is a man who is twisted by loss and anger.
This is why I find his main costume so sad. It shows what Liu Kang should have been. The hero was never supposed to have this happen to him. If only he had a faith. If only he trusted Raiden one last time, and he could have lived out his days happily.
But Liu Kang didn't get that. Instead, he now lives his "life" as a changed man who disrespects all values he previously had, and it's incredible to think that this douchey, evil guy is the same guy who was Earthrealm's greatest hero.''
There is so much potential to expand this, its movie material no doubt..
Right now Liu Kang repeates the path of Anakin Skywalker by becoming Darth Vader at the end of MKX. Liu Kang is the Chosen One as well, but was led on the wrong path by dark sith lord (Shinnok) and his apprentice (Quan Chi). The only difference is that Liu Kang's beloved is by his side in Netherrealm. Kitana didn't died during giving birth to two kids, though it would be funny if that happened. So we have Liu Kang's best friend and Kitana's mother at their side as revenants as well. Raiden turned Dark. Whose left to redeeme them all?
I would have loved if in MKX Liu Kang despite being revenant was fighting Shinnok. You know, to show that Liu Kang is THAT good inside still that he managed to fight through twisted magic of Netherrealm's sorcerer and show his true nature once again.
Sometimes I imagine that truly epic final battle for Liu Kang would be something like The Matrix Revolutions. Imagine Shinnok succeeded to infect Jinsei and turns entire Earthrealm's population into revenants. Liu Kang then enters Earthrealm before Shinnok makes his way into Seido (Realm of Order) to kill Elder Gods, goes through destoyed city with thousands revenants and demons standing on both sides of the road, watching him walking towards Shinnok for a final battle. Imagine this scene below with Liu Kang and Shinnok and revenants instead of Smith's clones:
I would cream my jeans no doubt.
Liucifer KangI always thought Liu was cool.
I really liked the story of zombie Liu Kang in that it split him into essentially two characters, the kind hearted spirit of Liu Kang and his battle hungry corpse on opposing sides.
God Emperor of Hell Liu Kang is the raddest fucking thing I hope he stays as Bruce Lee Satan a little while longer because it's so damn cool.