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Injustice Stage Bloopers Thread

Figured I'd make a thread about the stages and bloopers I've seen so far from re watching the battle arena vids.

Bloopers: 28 seconds into the match, Look at the parked vehicle on the left, a sign falls on it and destroys it. Also look at train number 315 on the right, it is destroyed and derailed. 30 seconds into the video shazam rips the large blue hotel sign and smashs flash with it. 2 :11 into the video flash causes a stage transition. At 2:15 in, train number 315 is magically back on the tracks and not derailed. At 2:20, in, the car on the left hand side is no longer destroyed as the sign magically uncollapsed, and train number 315 is derailed again. At 2:25, the blue hotel sign that shazam smashed flash with is clearly visible and not collapsed.

I'm gonna rewatch the other vids and see what I can find. If you guys notice more bloopers post them! Should be fun to spot other things.
I'm aware it's a game, what the hell else would it be? I just found the whole resetting humorous, thats all. "Stage Resting" for balance, Yeah, You're absolutely right, why didn't I see that.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Im thinking its called "We edited together the best moments from two guys playing multiple sets on this stage and composited a video together from various moments." Sort of the number one reason to bother removing lifebars from this video really. All suspense aside it allowed them to freely composite different match clips together into one story allowing for them to do "retakes" on certain combos or moments they wanted to include if they botched the execution or presentation of the combo or ability somehow.
Yea this video is clearly cut up and re edited but It seems to me like the levels actually do reset and void all previous enviromental damage.


Justice 4 Firestorm
You can see it in the Joker/Lex fight too. look at the monitor in the BG. In one instance it's destroyed, and the next it's not.