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Injustice Rant Video from Comic Book Cast


"Heaven Will Fall!"
I think the whole thing is dumb if he dosn't want to read or study frame data thats fine and he never does more than a 2 hit combo thats fine too its his choice to make. Making a rant video about anything seems to be the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of. Everytime I see one of these rant videos I call my wife into the room so we can laugh like we are watching america's dumbest criminals or some shit. There is nothing wrong with being a "pro" player or a scrubby player it's all how YOU want to play the game YOU bought but please next time take it like a man and leave the rant videos to the rest of the little babies on the internet.

fighting games aren't for you, dumbfuck. You're worse than bible thumpers. Maybe you should take the hint and stop uploading really terrible gameplay to youtube because obviously if you're getting that much hate, nobody wants to watch it anyways becuase YOU'RE BAD. You aren't showcasing the game well, you aren't entertaining, you're just awful at everything ever.

That's like me putting gameplay up of me going 1-30 in call of duty, and then getting mad when people say I don't know what I'm doing. Unbelievable. How insecure can one guy be, seriously.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
If a game is fun for you I dont care how you play it. If I give you advice I wont follow it up with calling you a dipshit or idiot for not knowing things. Not everyone has to be the best. I'll drop tidbits if I can, but go have fun. I play Dynasty Warriors and Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes because I just find them fun. I dont care about being the best. Its fine by me if someone approaches a game that I take seriously with that attitude though.

If we decide to go off on this guy for not knowing the technical shit then we don't really know how to give advice without coming across as assholes and thats on us. Go have fun. If you want to learn we'll tell you things. I wont fault someone for not knowing things or for having fun with a game in a way I dont.

At the end of the day if someone had fun then thats all that matters. What the hell do I care how they went about having it? If someone douchebagged this guy for not being a fighter even though he was having fun then I just feel sorry that there are those of us who would rather act superior and mean with our knowledge instead of inviting and friendly with it.

I dont know the comment that set him off, but this is how I feel about every game and its community in general. Go deep, have fun, but dont use it as a reason to bully folks who dont have the same knowledge. Let them have fun and present tech in a way to make them excited...not to make them feel inferior or upset as this guy obviously was made to feel.

Living Corpse

He said we are worse than the CoD players. I stopped watching and left a nice comment. Noob.
Not even 20 seconds in and he says that. I was hoping he would show more self restraint till later.

Seriously people need to remember games were made for fun and not everyone can play competitively like a pro.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Dude blocked me as he got the last word in, now he's scrambling to save his ass by saying what he meant even tho his video says the opposite.

I almost want to make another YT account, but this shit is SO not worth it. lol

Living Corpse

If they're really bugging him you'd think he'd just block them. I suck at fighting games and I don't care, all my videos are about me having fun (and people being amused when the end boss kicks my ass and pisses me off, in a good way). I really don't pay the "you suck at combos" comments much mind cause I get that one or two asshole on every video, not just the FG ones.

Assholes are a part of life, even more so online. He should just ignore them instead of getting worked up over what some guy who lives 100 miles away said.


The Prettiest
He blocked me from commenting lol. GGs. I was going to reply to his comment that says, "Some of us don't spend 10 hours a day learning a game."

I learned the game within an hour. What have you been doing?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Left a comment summarizing pretty much what I said here. Thought I should at least tell him how I felt on his channel. He sounds like he could use it.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I bet he will delete it when he sees it.
If he does then I'm sorry about him developing a persecution complex and wanting to appear victimized by everyone without acknowledging those who care. If that were to happen then he's just a sensationalist wanting to appear a victim. I think he'll let it stand though. Whatever happens he will have seen it and he will have known. Thats all I care about personally on the matter.


The Prettiest
If he does then I'm sorry about him developing a persecution complex and wanting to appear victimized by everyone without acknowledging those who care. If that were to happen then he's just a sensationalist wanting to appear a victim. I think he'll let it stand though. Whatever happens he will have seen it and he will have known. Thats all I care about personally on the matter.
Go check lol... I bet you he does, man. He's one of THOSE online scrubs. Get it? :joker: