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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


Neutral Skipper
I've been sitting here for like two hours finishing two essays (which are pretty much made up of shit that I found and slightly reworded from the internet) by writing them out on paper, then I realised... I'M ON A FUCKING COMPUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER.

And I ain't even high... you'd think I was high... but high, I am not...


"Cheap Grubber"
I've been sitting here for like two hours finishing two essays (which are pretty much made up of shit that I found and slightly reworded from the internet) by writing them out on paper, then I realised... I'M ON A FUCKING COMPUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER.

And I ain't even high... you'd think I was high... but high, I am not...
Just stupid?

Haha, just kidding.


Neutral Skipper
I'm just gonna leave these BADASS FUCKING LYRICS right here. Again, these can be considered pretty dark I guess, so *Aquaman voice* tread carefully...

I'm the great Leviathan, insatiable Colossus.
Titanic engulfer of lives, I reward you, absorb you.
I'm the monstrous mouth that hungers for your awe.
Immense construction of lies. I own you, disown you.

I am life. I am death. You empower me.

I'm a mammoth king evoked, conjured by your dreams.
Summoned by your fears. You need me, you feed me.
I'm the imposing giant. Infallible dictator.
My rules apply to all. You'll heed me, bleed for me.

I am life. I'm death. I decide your fate.
You empower me. You'd even kill for me.

Guzzling down your dreams - the tears of unheard pleas I drink,
Imbibe with such delight the fear that floods your temporal shell.
Raging red rivers and streams - the kingdom of my shadow.
Where dread of man in endless night revives my every cell.

To those who doubt - your wounds will never heal.
To those who question my creation - I'm not real.

I am pain. I am grief. I'm the things you fear.
I'm the lie whispered into your ear.
I'm the great Leviathan. I'm dominance and greed.
You imagined me, so I was conceived.

I am life. I am death. You belong to me.
Call me what I am. I am Colossus.
August 23rd-to-25th could almost be considered a second birthday in a year to me. (Real anniversary of birth is September 6th)

Around that timeframe (I can't remember the exact day) is when my visual receptors were graced by the first sight of MLP:FiM, and my mind became aware of the show's existence, along with its fandom.
Including the first curious day, MLP:FiM has been in my life for nearly two years.
I'm just gonna leave these BADASS FUCKING LYRICS right here. Again, these can be considered pretty dark I guess, so *Aquaman voice* tread carefully...
I like them.
Colossusnaut isn't as hype as Juggy.

I mean, he knows that no one knows who he is, even in the movies

AND, AND, and

he even has theme music that asked the infamous question