Mulder So you think that has potential there to be a good game?
Stalk your victim, wait for them get in a dark ally or follow them home from a distance so they don't notice, then jimmy the lock to get in there house and kill them. The neighbors heard the struggle and have called the cops, you're covered in blood. Get out but stay off the main roads, sneak through the yards and allyways. Watch out for dogs and don't alert home owners of your presence.
Make it back home and clean yourself quick. Find a place to hide your murder weapon and evidence. Come up with an alibi when the cops come knocking and ask questions. Rinse and repeat for the next night.
You can also play from a private investigator's story where he is one of the suspects and needs to gather enough evidence to find who the real murder is and clear his name while not being caught "removing evidence." Obviously encouraged to play this before the murders story so it's a surprise when you finally know who it is then play the murder's story to know their story and how it lead up to this point.