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Injustice Online Tourney Brainstorm/Signup Extravaganza!

Alexandru Pascu

FT3 is probably the way to go. Especially online since sometimes it can get a bit laggy. 50/50 first stage, loser's pick 2nd and the following. If it's gonna be on Live sign me up GT is LordR3van90. Also a good thing would be to put the brackets up on Challonge.


Fabulous Goofball
I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it out.
PSN - Ketsueki_Wolf

1. Ban Scorpion because **** him.
2. Loser Picks I guess?
3. Best out of 3 sounds good
4. What is seeding?


My pussy, my rules
When does the sign-ups end?
I'll end signup window in about 2 days (on the 8th), and I'll have the brackest posted later that day. That'll give us one week until the start of the tourney, and plenty of time to iron out the rest of the details/fix any problems.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it out.
PSN - Ketsueki_Wolf

1. Ban Scorpion because **** him.
2. Loser Picks I guess?
3. Best out of 3 sounds good
4. What is seeding?

And seeding is a method of organizing contestant placement (choosing who fights who, pretty much). Say you have a numbered list of participants, like this:


In a seeded bracket, 1 is paired with 8, 2 with 7, 3 with 6, and so on. You're put up against your opposite in regards to the listed numbers. In a normal non-seeded bracket, they would just go straight down the list and put 1 with 2, 3 with 4, and so on.


*Supreme Member*
1. no bans (all characters)
2. random stage win or lose
3. seeding
4. FT3 or Best of 5 (either would be reasonable)

Flawless Thomas

I normally play on Xbox but my girlfriend bought Injustice on her Ps3 so you can count me in if schedules are pretty flexible!

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Someone tag me if someone decides to start one on xbox.
(Waiting for complete edition before i buy injustice on ps3)


A prop on the stage of life.
Alright, I'm not really good at this, but let me try to make things a little more...interesting.

Originally I wanted to give the winner enough money to go to some tournament that they otherwise would not be able to go to. However, because I am not made of money, it couldn't be like...a trip halfway across the country or anything like that. So...what I'm asking is, should I just increase the overall amount for the winner and play it safe, or let one of you look into a tournament and see how much it would take to get you there? If its close enough to what I'm able to give, I could probably give just a tad more. ;)


Yea....that's about where I am. Maybe more people will be interested. heh.


Searching for an alt.
Sign me up!
PSN: Dr_Morganstien

1. No bans, bring it
2. I say 50-50 two random stages first and if loser chooses to switch
3. First to 3, Injustice matches are usually really quick
4. I'd like seeding because I'm still not very good, but its cool either way.

Looking forward to it!


My pussy, my rules
Sign me up!
PSN: Dr_Morganstien

1. No bans, bring it
2. I say 50-50 two random stages first and if loser chooses to switch
3. First to 3, Injustice matches are usually really quick
4. I'd like seeding because I'm still not very good, but its cool either way.

Looking forward to it!


Ive seen the leprechaun
SIGN ME UP!!! My gt is imblackjames

If i were you guys i wouldn't want to play @Dr_Morganstien hes one jive turkey with a funky hawkgirl and raven theyll whip ya something fierce, he gets down with the get down ya dig?