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Injustice (Marvel style)

If there's any chance for Marvel to do a fighting game like DC did with Injustice, how would you see it happen besides the Capcom VS thing?

Plus who would you pick for the roster?

Category heroes & category villains
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I honestly wish that the Capcom licensed marvel games wasn't Marvel VS Capcom and it was just MARVEL. I really like having a whole roster of just comic book guys...oh plus Scorpion lol. (but I digress)

Honestly, I'm still waiting for E3...all the Marvel licensee folk started pulling games. Deadpool, Spiderman, heck all the Activision titles, Capcom...all of them suddenly around December/January had to pull the plug. Someone bought the license for Marvel gaming save a few specific contracts that had stuff in them like Gree, and D3, and Marvel Origins. A lot of folks figure it was Disney buying back the license for gaming to do it all in house, but a lot of folks are curious whether the recent interest of Disney in letting WB game studios touch Marvel (lego is a WB game studio title) means that NRS, Rocksteady, or one of their other folks will get ahold of Marvel soon. I'd be down for it honestly.

The dream is still forever going to be for all fans to see some form of DC vs Marvel that doesn't end up a sloppy title. Fans have wanted it for generations and I'd like to see it happen. Most folks always assumed it'd be capcom doing such a thing due to their VS series, but the way things are with them announcing they are slashing their financial predictions by 50% and with their insanely low funds its looking more and more like if it happens at all it'd be NRS at this point since they are the only ones out there pumping out serious numbers on the market while making the title approachable to all levels of player. Honestly if they weren't so Japan-centric in their titles I'd really REALLY be down for Koei to do a Warriors Orochi style title using either Marvel, DC or both someday. It'd be one giant romp in hack n slash
(screw the haters they all loved beatem up and hack n slash is how that genre evolved. They need to stop thinking its a fighting game and realize its an enormous beat em up. One with over a hundred characters, level progression, kill streaks in the hundreds, team moves, meter management, and a ton of collectibles and weapon forging. Shit is everything they ever dreamed of in a beat em up but the moment it goes 3d instead of 2d they start parroting a bunch of dudes who thought it was supposed to be some kind of weird level filled Devil May Cry or something who just didn't get it and should have been ignored. hack n slash= fucking awesome)

As for roster...don't get me started. It just goes on and on with that dream title for me.
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Amazonian Speed Force
Quite honestly I NEVER liked the Vs. series of Marvel. A game being broken shouldn't be the draw. I only ever touched them because it gave me a chance to play as my favorite heroes form Marvel(they screwed up Dr. Strange so bad). This goes with me never having liked Capcom's philosophy on balancing though. I wish I had a link to it, but I read an article with Ono commentating that he believes in making a "1 character to rule them all." Or having a definite top tier from the initial conception. That is so wrong to me.

So I hope a better company gets there hands on a Marvel fighting game. I don't mind it being NRS, as long as it works as well as the latest patch does for Injustice. Honestly I'd even be open to another Japanese company getting it. Not likely to happen though.


If there's any chance for Marvel to do a fighting game like DC did with Injustice, how would you see it happen besides the Capcom VS thing?

Plus who would you pick for the roster?

Category heroes & category villains
all the mvc fanbase would hate it unless it was like mvc which would mean low sales. i dont think it would be a good idea imo


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
all the mvc fanbase would hate it unless it was like mvc which would mean low sales. i dont think it would be a good idea imo
Do you have any idea how silly that is? The FGC is a vocal MINORITY. Fighting game community sales do not even come close to totalling the majority of sales on licensed comic book games. Not even in the ballpark. The low entry barrier, and extended single player content in NRS games is why they KILL the sales figures and sales rates comparatively on the open market.

Claiming a Marvel only or Marvel vs DC game wouldn't sell well because it wasn't in the same playstyle as Niitsuma's beloved VS series doesn't really take into account much more than forum fan yelling and stream monsters ie...a small minority of who the game would target and make money from.

Game would sell no matter which style it was in so long as it wasn't ps2 fighter maker levels of bad.


Do you have any idea how silly that is? The FGC is a vocal MINORITY. Fighting game community sales do not even come close to totalling the majority of sales on licensed comic book games. Not even in the ballpark. The low entry barrier, and extended single player content in NRS games is why they KILL the sales figures and sales rates comparatively on the open market.

Claiming a Marvel only or Marvel vs DC game wouldn't sell well because it wasn't in the same playstyle as Niitsuma's beloved VS series doesn't really take into account much more than forum fan yelling and stream monsters ie...a small minority of who the game would target and make money from.

Game would sell no matter which style it was in so long as it wasn't ps2 fighter maker levels of bad.
guess the point i was trying to ake is the game wouldnt last long and would die fast


The future of law enforcement.
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My top 10 vote (in no particular order):


Omega Red


Doctor Doom




Scorpion (the Spider-man villain...)

Doctor Octopus


Hmm, those are all villains. Guess I gotta do heroes now!

Iron Man








Wolverine (brown suit!!!)

Luke Cage

Kind of a lack of female characters, though. Dammit, top 20 is hard!!!

[edit] Ack!!! I've got to squeeze in a Sentinel and Ultron somehow! Maybe a top 10 robots...


The future of law enforcement.
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Though I would like to see a Mojo vs Professor X fight...


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
guess the point i was trying to ake is the game wouldnt last long and would die fast
I still see no basis to assume even that believably. Injustice is still around. It not being Capcom-style would only impact Capcom fans. The concept itself would still appeal to the larger audiences and it'd still sell. It'd have to be a really bad title in gameplay and modes to do poorly.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
There is a Marvel only fighting game, Marvel Superheroes (1995). Its gameplay it's pretty similar to the Marvel VS Capcom series, though. In fact, the VS. series were developed after this game, using it as a "blueprint".



Scrubby nice guy
There is a Marvel only fighting game, Marvel Superheroes (1995). Its gameplay it's pretty similar to the Marvel VS Capcom series, though. In fact, the VS. series were developed after this game, using it as a "blueprint".

Ye, but from what I remember it has like 9 playable characters :( Gotta dig up my PSX


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Yeah its roster was small. Marvel super heroes had like...13 if I remember right. Had a fun gem system if its the one I'm thinking of. Each character had a particular gem they were best with that gave them juuuuuuust the right abusable perk to really do some damage. Prior to this thing was X-Men Children of the Atom and it had I think 12 characters and it was what originally blew my mind. Then I think after Marvel Superheroes was their X-men vs Street Fighter game that had 20 characters and started the crazy stuff rolling that led into MVC.

Lots of history in the vs series of games. Most only seem to recall some and forget others.

  • Xmen children of the Atom
  • Marvel Super Heroes
  • Xmen vs Streetfighter
  • Marvel Vs Capcom
  • Marvel Vs Capcom 2
  • Capcom vs SNK
  • Capcom vs SNK 2eo
  • SVC Chaos
  • Tatsunoko vs Capcom Cross Generation of Heroes
  • Tatsunoko vs Capcom Ultimate All Stars
  • Marvel vs Capcom 3
  • Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
  • SFxTekken
This also leaves out the "technical" vs title that was Capcom Fighting Jam, but I tried to leave out any title that was exclusively only one company's characters . Also it should be noted that SVC Chaos was developed by SNK and forced out early and a looooooot of things apparently didn't sit right on how that vs series of titles eventually only benefitted Capcom in business. Also SFxTekken is almost its own thing given how much it differs from any of the prior vs titles in terms of ...well...most things. More of a seperate SF 4 vs series thats starting to take off IMO than anything relative to the proper vs canon.

Anyhow...yeah. Lots of history in there. By FAR the most balanced of them all was CVS2. Game is incredible with its groove system. Absolutely masterful and a nigh perfect roster in even the most particular fan's eyes. Too bad it went so bad between the two companies...the world could use a new CVS title with the SNK of today's Drive Gauge stuff.
What if in the roster...


Captain America
Iron Man
Black Widow
Doctor Strange
Black Panther
Luke Cage
Iron Fist

Green Goblin
Red Skull
Madame Hydra
Mister Sinister
Master Kahn

Moon Knight
What if also if like Injutsice, the marvel characters would have counterparts as well.

ex. Spider-Man. His evil counterpart, fed up with being treated as a vigilante and not treated like a hero. Plus with Jameson discriminating him, Spiderman kills him and ends the "with great power comes great responsibility" speech.
Perhaps for Spider-man his evil counterpart would be based on "Superior Spider-man".

Amazing Spider-Man Peter vs Superior Spider-Man Peter
Logan the Wolverine vs Daken the Wolverine
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