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Injustice guide


Since NRS said they want to make the game as competitive as possible, it would be nice if they cooperated with some company and issued a guide for the game. It can be sold separate, or along with a pre-ordered game (like a Tournament/Pro package or something). Someone said that they will release the frame data, which is another occasion to release the guide. Anyway, this is what I suggest to be included in the guide:
- complete frame data (start-up, advantages on hit and block, cancel advantages, active and recovery frames; Somberness deserves a rest :) )
- beginner's strategy for playing every char
- every character's move and normal brief description
- some tips on meter management
- training mode setups and such (hoping thee will be improved from MK9's)
- stage particularities and how to exploit them the best...


I wouldn't mind paying for a nicely arranged frame data on paper, even if ti's in the game.


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The sc5 guide is awesome, complete with real strats, full frame data, etc. If they made a guide like that it would be great. I agree nrs should hire somberness as well