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Injustice|Gods Among Us - Press Release, Official Site, Details and Interview w/ Ed Boon


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
MK9 is done. It will never, ever receive another patch/hotfix. The developers would make NO Money off of it in comparison to a brand new game. That said..Injustice looks tight and I think I'll be maining The Dark Knight, with a side of Grundy.


Nightwolf wannabe
Game looks sweet, but DC comics is LAME...IMHO. Not trolling, just don't get why these characters are relevant anymore.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.577442,-80.260858
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what do you mean not relevant? I'm sure a lot of main streamers will buy this game just for Batman, with the recent blockbuster success of Batman movies you can't deny this characters popularity. Smallville running 10 seasons but I guess Superman + other characters from that show (flash, aquaman, ZOD, supergirl, green arrow) aren't relevant. I think this game may catch attention of Batman and Smallville fans and reopen them to the FULL DC universe.


Kombat Konnoisseur
I hope we get some Teen Titans in this lol Raven and Beast Boy FTW!

I doubt it though with the whole Justice League vibe.

If not im Flash and Harley all day.

Until the next MK however MK(8)9 will be my main game.

All the best,