for god's sake companies like money. bane and joker will get them money. there's nothing else to argue about
See? This is how you argue a point. He disagrees without being a sarcastic dbag. BTdubs, these are all valid points.I don't know if they should dominate the roster, but it's no surprise that they do seem to. Fact is, any company's #1 goal is to make money. They do this by giving people what they want. How do people tellt hem what they want? With dollars. Batman movies, no matter how shitty they are, make huge bank. Harley Quinn was so popular when she was introduced in the cartoon that she was made a part of the books as DC realized there was another bankable property there.
And don't forget guys, we don't have a full roster reveal yet. They're mainly revealing characters that will make gamers and comic fans alike save their pennies to buy this game. My only concern is, they aren't leaving many major characters for DLC. I would have liked to see Bane as DLC simply because people that haven't bought the game already will buy the game just to download him. Then agaian, judging by MK, NRS does't seem to be overly big on DLC.
I bought MvC just for She Hulk and even then I waited until I could buy it used for $15People buy games for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes it's more who they want to beat up than who they want to play or simply to pretend that they are involved in the comics they know and love. Either way, Injustice is going to sell huge and everyone is going to love it.
he gets it.for god's sake companies like money. bane and joker will get them money. there's nothing else to argue about
They're not picking characters based on who's comic needs a sales bump.
Yes they will. That's why they're in the game. It's pretty much my whole point. They're picking characters that will make the game sell.
I think you missed the point here.
You don't have to get so frustrated that you turn to sarcasm.
for god's sake companies like money. bane and joker will get them money. there's nothing else to argue about
Was this directed at me? My points are valid and I've said before that I can come off as a jerk when getting my points across.See? This is how you argue a point. He disagrees without being a sarcastic dbag. BTdubs, these are all valid points.
I'm not a huge fan of how far the hoses stick out. Those things have got to get caught in things.Bane's design leaves a little to be desired, hopefully he looks better in motion!
Potato, potato.
Wait, that doesn't really work in text.
Well, Timmy - pay attention at the topic we're talking about.You have got to be the troll, tell me exactly what about Jason Todd is seriously one of the worst characters I've ever seen. Please tell me one thing that makes him stand out? Also by saying the universe of Batman in general is shitty seriously tells me everything I need to know I guess. God damn Marvel fan boys...
If someone honestly thinks that the Joker is a great villain, then that person clearly doesn't know shit about comics.considering you just tried talking down in one of the few characters who is considered to be one of the greatest villains in comic book history id say youre the troll
Norman Osborn has done loads worse than Joker and he's still alive and kicking.Put the Joker in the Marvel universe and he will die on the very first day, because he won't be protected by the stupidity of the other people in the universe (which is called the plot, if we twist it around).
I like the mimic part.Clayface is the character they need to reveal next in order to piss EVERYONE off. Batman universe and a mimic, L.O.L
Oh yeah, because Magneto (mutant Hitler) was put down years ago.Put the Joker in the Marvel universe and he will die on the very first day, because he won't be protected by the stupidity of the other people in the universe (which is called the plot, if we twist it around).
Okay, but there ARE popular Batman characters too. That's the point. This thread proves that for every one of you who has a laundry list of deserving characters no one else has heard of, there are three or four people absolutely stoked for more Batman characters.Nah cuz there's popular non-Batman people.
Okay, but there ARE popular Batman characters too. That's the point. This thread proves that for every one of you who has a laundry list of deserving characters no one else has heard of, there are three or four people absolutely stoked for more Batman characters.
My point yesterday totally flew over your head I see.That's not my point, my point is there are tons of people more popular than Bane, Quinn or Catwoman that have yet to be announced. There's popular characters and fan favorites throughout the DCU that is not of the Batman Universe yet the reveals are dominated with Bat people.
I'm just coming in this to say that the Bat-family is not the best martial artists in DC. They are the most popular of course, but not the best by any means.The best and most popular ninja martial artists in DC? Bat family. Bar none.
Two grapplers in this game say otherwise. The MK crew has NEVER done this well but there's two, and a possible third in Doomsday, that will be this way. So that theory is just out the window. Plus, just because they make a game full of martial artists doesn't mean when they make their superhero game they should stick to the martial artists, that's just dumb. No offense.My point yesterday totally flew over your head I see.
Everyone, including you, is obsessed with BAT this and BAT that, ignoring that the MK guys are going after certain archtypes that they have always been good at doing. Doesn't mean they should, they just are and you shouldn't be surprised by it. The best and most popular ninja martial artists in DC? Bat family. Bar none.
Name more popular characters that fit these MK archtypes, not just "I like this person and this person more, they should be in."
So Sheeva wasn't a proto-grappler just because they didn't do a good job? Admit it, they tried the archtype and failed at it, big time, but they did try.Two grapplers in this game say otherwise. The MK crew has NEVER done this well but there's two, and a possible third in Doomsday, that will be this way.
Just admit you hate Bat characters instead of wanting the MK guys to abandon their cheesy love of ninjas and cyborgs. Because that's why I love those guys and don't want them to stop doing things their way.Plus, just because they make a game full of martial artists doesn't mean when they make their superhero game they should stick to the martial artists, that's just dumb. No offense.
So Sheeva wasn't a proto-grappler just because they didn't do a good job? Admit it, they tried the archtype and failed at it, big time, but they did try.
And as far as Joker/Harley goes, they were in the previous DC game, and the MK guys LOVE to recycle old resources into new games. So they fit into the recolored ninja archtype somewhat as well.
Just admit you hate Bat characters instead of wanting the MK guys to abandon their cheesy love of ninjas and cyborgs. Because that's why I love those guys and don't want them to stop doing things their way.
Honestly, there is still TEN more reveals on the way, I dont know why people are getting so up in arms about this. You may think a choice is cool, others may think its dumb. Deal with it, its a video game.So Sheeva wasn't a proto-grappler just because they didn't do a good job? Admit it, they tried the archtype and failed at it, big time, but they did try.
And as far as Joker/Harley/Catwoman goes, they were in the previous DC game, and the MK guys LOVE to recycle old resources into new games. So they fit into the recolored ninja archtype somewhat as well. Plus, why replace them with a new character when those characters have their fans already?
Just admit you hate Bat characters instead of wanting the MK guys to abandon their cheesy love of ninjas and cyborgs. Because that's why I love those guys and don't want them to stop doing things their way.
There are many more character reveals on the way, so don't sweat it.
Let me just add Compbros. that I would very much like to see Grodd in the game, that's a great choice. I rather have him over Doomsday if those two are who it will come down to.Grodd