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Injustice: Gods Among Us #9 Discussion/Spoilers


Scary Bat
For those who don't know, the latest issue is available in the iBooks/iTunes store, but not the DC app yet for some odd reason. Personally I would wait for the DC app, because the iBooks reader is terrible for Injustice's layout format.

This isn't really in the main topic because there is a topic there for mainly talking about Ares, who makes an appearance this issue.

So what did everyone think? I think Wonder Woman is being characterized a bit oddly in this, well, really oddly in this. I mean I know DC is trying to push WW/Supes but this is a bit ridiculous.

I'm not sure how much time is meant to have passed in from the explosion in the early issues, but the whole thing feel so... how you say.. 'too soon'

I'm liking Ares' design, and his motivations seem well fitted for the game, I mean he's not being crazy evil for the sake of being crazy evil. He has legitimate concerns for a god of war.

...or ponies...


Tired, But Strong
I am both fearful and hopeful for Ares, God of Ponies to be this game's Flesh Pits Mileena.