Background fix:
Hieroglyphs - Win 1 Match in KOTH (Online Only)
Bane?- Win 25 Matches in KOTH (Online Only)
Two Face w/ Gun - Win 1 Match in Survivor (Online Only)
KOTH 25 isn't Bane, it's the monster from Superman's Fortress Zoo
Background fix:
Regime Icon - Win 1 Player Match (Online Only)
Batgear?/ PM 25 - Win 25 Player Matches (Online Only)
Atrocitus - Get a 5 Streak in Ranked Matches (Online Only)
PM25 isn't Batgear but Metropolis car
Background fix:
Krypton Ship - Vote Correctly 25 time in KOTH (Online Only)
Watchtower Ship - Perform 1 Super Move
Handguns - Perform 25 Super Moves
Supermove isn't Watchtower but Batmobile
Background fix:
Rainbow Girls - Win 20 matches with EACH female fighter (Online/Offline?)
Doomsday Eyes/A Green Lantern? - Comeback from low health to win (Online Only) [health level unknown]
Killer Croc - Win an Online Match using only Light Attack (Online Only)
Lowheatlth comeback is Kilowog and Light attack is the monster from Superman's Zoo once again
Background fix:
Lex Super - Accumulate $1,000,000,000.00 in Envinronment Destruction (Online Only)
Neon - Collect 5 cards in the Injustice: GAU Mobile App
SG Grave - Collect 10 cards in the Injustice: GAU Mobile App
iOS 15 Cards - Collect 15 cards in the Injustice: GAU Mobile App
Gold Bricks - Collect 30 cards in the Injustice: GAU Mobile App
Tsunami - Evolve a Card to the max in the Injustice: GAU Mobile App
Neons are from Bane's costume and iOS15 is Dommsday ripping Superman's cape.
Icon fix:
Swamp Hands - Complete all SG S.T.A.R. Labs Missions
Lions - Complete all HQ S.T.A.R. Labs Missions
Green Arrows - Complete all GA S.T.A.R. Labs Missions
Lions are in fact Hyenas, usual Harley's pets
Icon fix:
Broken Red Crown - Dethrone the King 5 times (Online Only)
Dethrone 50 - Dethrone the King 50 times (Online Only)
Gold Amazon Helmet - Complete 5 KOTH Challenges (Online Only)
50 KOTH Challenge - Complete 50 KOTH Challenges (Online Only)
Thumbs Up - Vote Correctly Once In KOTH (Online Only)
With no surprise Dethrone 50 is the same icon than the Dethrone 5 but the crown is more broken.
KOTH 5 Challenges is Dr Fate's own helmet

KOTH 50 Challenges is the lion head that is interactable in Themyscira.
Icon fix:
Brick Wall w/ Joker Art - Perform 5 Level Transitions
Ice Mountain - Perform 50 Level Transitions
1st Place Ribbon - Get the first hit 50 times (Online Only)
Transition 50 is the Phantom Zone.
Icon fix:
Ladies 20 (Tiara?) - Win 20 Matches with each Female Fighter (Online Only)
SuperHero Chalk Outline - Perform EACH Interactive Object at least once (Online Only) - There are several IOs per stage. You must use every one of them.
Regime Logo - Earn the Top Rank in the Ranked Match Leaderboard (Seriously?!)
Interactive objects is Superman's silhouette. Interactions must be done with all kind of characters (mighty, explosives, and agiles).
Portrait fix:
Knightfall Bane breaking Arkham City Batman's back - Complete April Fool's Daily Challenge
CW Sin Kitty - Win 10 Matches in KOTH (Online Only)
Golden Cyborg - Win 100 Matches in KOTH (Online Only)
Flash About to Punch - Win 10 Matches in Survivor (Online Only)
FlashPoint Aquaman - Win 100 Matches in Survivor (Online Only)
KOTH10 is Arkham City Catwoman.
KOTH100 is Cyborg's skin from the "Teen Titans" Pack (you can call him Classic Cyborg).
Survivor 10 is New 52 Flash
Portrait fix:
GL New 52 - Win 100 Ranked Matches (Online Only)
LL Blast - Win 10 Player Matches (Online Only)
Bat Grapple! - Win 100 Player Matches (Online Only)
Knightfall Bane - Get a 25 Streak in Ranked Matches (Online Only)
10PM is Lex Luthor's Kryptonite Armor.
100PM is New 52 Batman
Portrait fix:
Regime SuperMan - Defeat the Survivor 100 times (Online Only)
Doomsday Pounds - Dethrone the King 10 times (Online Only)
Blackest Night Batman Grapple - Dethrone the King 100 times (Online Only)
Dethrone 10 is Blackest Night Doomsday.
Portrait fix:
Teen Titans Raven - Complete 100 Daily Challenges (Online Only)
The Joker Laughing Gas - Complete 10 Random Challenges (Online Only)
SuperMan's Spaceship - Complete 100 Random Challenges (Online Only)
Random 10 is Arkham City Joker.