Fabled Villain
I just wish Joker had half of this.Batman
+ Slide is positive frames on hit
+ Trait has half the start up but instead of unblockable guns give him pre-patch low gun shots and pre-patch chip damage for all his gun shots.
- Corner combos are reduced from 50-55% to 40-45%
- B2U3 and B12 both have -3 added to their advantage on block
+ Batgirl does significantly more chip damage in trait
- Trait cool down is now 20 seconds
- Trident Rush deals only 10% chip damage
- From The Deep doesn't automatically come out from under your opponent's feet, you have to control it with 4 different distances (similar to Zod lasers, Martian pillars, etc.)
- Overhead teleport costs a bar of meter
- Orbs disappear if Martian is hit
- B3 is only one hit
- B3 is only one hit
- DF1 does less damage in trait, making his normal trait BnB about 5% less
- Only one of each speed ball on the screen
- Trait cooldown increased to 18 seconds
- Trait reverted to pre patch charging speed
- Body Press has more recovery on whiff
+ MB Thunderbolt is now unblockable (come on it's so slow, he needs it lol)
+ Trait reverted to pre patch damage
+ D3 is -5 on block
+ Pushblock into mines into combos do normal damage again
Black Adam
+ Pre patch forward dash
+ You can now MB his bomb on the floor, which makes it blow up whenever you want (similar to Lex's mines)
Green Arrow
+ DB3 is now a 3 frame parry similar to Zod's (come on have you watched The Arrow? He definitely needs a parry lol)
+ Damage raised on Sky Alert by 2% for each arrow
+ Normal trait arrows do 2%
+ DF2 does 3% more damage
+ DF1 does 4% more chip damage
+ MB Godsmack has infinite armor
+ Trait Axe and Sword both have their cooldown halved
+ D1~Trait Sword can no longer be interrupted on block
+ Give Ares the forward dash and back dash of Black Adam
+ B1~Low gas canister combos
+ Pushblock into teeth into combo does normal damage
+ DB1 is now an overhead with half the startup
+ Joker's trait should be the buzzer hand from MKvsDC, which lasts way longer than his trait now with way more active frames
+ The HA HA HA in Joker's trait doesn't go away unless a player clashes, hits their opponent with a super, or hits their opponent through a stage transition. Each of Joker's HA makes him deal more damage with his attacks
+ Her BF2 cards are now -10
+ May have all 3 trait chains running at once all at 2x, but when either player clashes or hits their opponent with a super or stage transition then Grundy's trait is reset to 0
+ B3 and F3 are both neutral on block
+ Low whip -15
+ Trait scratches are easier to obtain
+ DB1 pops your opponent up in the air and allows a B3 follow up
+ Techno Tackle doesn't suck
Harley Quinn
+ EX silly slide has a hit of armor
+ D2 has a better hotbox
+ You can chowhatisraisrait you want
Everyone else I didn't name are fine unchanged