Plenty of us are focused on thatWhy ain't no one focusing on this!? HYPE!

(im just sad no injustice at RFD

Plenty of us are focused on thatWhy ain't no one focusing on this!? HYPE!
Dontay please...For everyone mad at FChamp, remember this:
-JWong had been playing MK9 at the start, with the rest of us. Who took him out at PowerUp? REO.
-Floe the same. Same tournament, who beat him? *HINT: Look at who is posting this*
-@J360 is the best Iron Man player in MvC2. As I've said for a good while, listen to what he has to say about the competition in MK9 and how free they are. Sabin also.
-Who lost to an Arthur and didn't know why he lost...? (XD jokes)
One thing's for sure, though, like I said...bring your A game.
Dontay please...
This too :3This is great! Him talking shit is telling you that he is excited for this game and looks forward to playing IGAU in tourneys. He has tons of time learning this game and some of the best players in the area (Capcom and MK) to help him level up. I hope this lights a fire under everyone's asses and train hard for the upcoming events.
In all seriousness, I see what you mean about the level of competition in other games and I agree. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that guys like JWong or FChamp will have an edge in Injustice, as it's simply a different game. For instance you just brought up J360, whom I have nothing but respect for. He is one of the best MvC 2 players, and yet, how many MK tournaments has he won? And he's someone who lives and breathes MK. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that to diminish J360 as a player by any means. For my money, this guy is a fighting game genius. But I'm merely highlighting a point.Why you gotta Dontay please me...?
One thing's for sure, Injustice will be a hell of a good time.In all seriousness, I see what you mean about the level of competition in other games and I agree. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that guys like JWong or FChamp will have an edge in Injustice, as it's simply a different game. For instance you just brought up J360, whom I have nothing but respect for. He is one of the best MvC 2 players, and yet, how many MK tournaments has he won? And he's someone who lives and breathes MK. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that to diminish J360 as a player by any means. For my money, this guy is a fighting game genius. But I'm merely highlighting a point.
And that's all it ever should be. Friendly trash talking at all. Not some "grrrrrr you can't win at our game so you're not going to win Injustice." That goes for both sides.One thing's for sure, Injustice will be a hell of a good time.
what difference does it make, Injustice has same mechanics as MK9, stop comparing capcom players to mk players, apples and oranges.
Okay, so I had no idea that sooooooo many people here were not expecting this to happen.
We have a new game that's coming out that combines some MK elements with other elements from more played fighting games. Obviously this was going to cause players outside of the MKC to look at Injustice with foaming mouths. And a lot of those players come from communities where trash talking is about as essential as breathing oxygen. So people here that are upset by that need to either develop thicker skin than what they have now or stick to playing online......or buy noise-cancelling headphones and an mp3 player if you're going to play in the offline scene, lol. Oh, and also that a majority of people spewing trash are doing it just for the hype and, in-person, are really just a bunch of fun people to hang out with. So just learn to either let it roll off of you or learn how to toss some of it back their way for some extra fun.
I've been reading a lot lately about people saying that if you don't play MK, then you are going to get bodied in Injustice. No. No. No no. NO. This is NOT a guarantee. Players with a high level skill for adaptation and fundamentals are going to be your top players in Injustice. This goes for BOTH MK players and non-MK players. Non-MK players will need to adapt for the animations and the fact that there is a mechanic that can be used to break combos, as well as using meter for push blocking. MK players will need to adapt for holding back to block and how to defend against a true cross-up offense, as well as the fact on how to effectively use push blocking. Either way, we are ALL walking into unexplored territory with Injustice one way or another.
I, for one, am very much looking forward to matches such as (and I'm just going to throw random names out) Alex Valle vs. Perfect Legend, Filipino Champ vs. Tom Brady, so on and so forth. These two different communities are about to collide. Will there be some bad blood? Sure, it's bound to happen. Will there be new friendships formed? Abso-freaking-lutely. Will 75% of the MK community get bodied by players in the non-MK community? Yup. Will 75% of the non-MK community get bodied by players in the MK community? Yup. Think of it as a Circle-Circle Intersection chart. You have one circle representing the MKC and you have another circle representing the non-MKC. And the area where those two circles intersect will be your good players for Injustice. Those outside of that intersect area will go back to their own respective games (or just learn to enjoy Injustice in their own way).
I am very much looking forward to playing and training to be one of those in that intersect area. But I'm also looking forward to meeting new people outside of the MK community.
Looking back on everything that I've said now, I'm not really sure if there is an overall theme to my post. So I'm just going to conclude by saying keep an open mind to these next few months. This game has the ability to elevate the FGC to a whole new level. I honestly believe that.
oi sexy granma who u maining in injustice? Lol @filipino champ talking,sounds like he's just been gobble gobble gobble kicked in the bollocks by Liu kang.F Some1 A hand G that G fruitcup O a shovel, he's got a grave to dig. T
Edit: I like how quickly the word 'barbie pancake doodle' got edited out lolol, do it again. K
I'm not all that clued up on DC, so I'll play whoever is the cheapest bastard.oi sexy granma who u maining in injustice? Lol @filipino champ talking,sounds like he's just been gobble gobble gobble kicked in the bollocks by Liu kang.
No he just goes off on his sponsor and teammates :3Doesnt matter, Champ is just being an ultimate wanker about it, hype the game up yeah, rile our community up fine. But discrediting us on our own game that I'm pretty sure he knows bothing about, thats bollocks.
Compare it to the UK scene, you dont see players like Ryan Hart slagging our MK players off saying we're gonna be free in Injustice, just play the game.
That's a fair point. So I'm officially marking Filipino Champ under the category where I talked about "bad blood". lolDoesnt matter, Champ is just being an ultimate wanker about it, hype the game up yeah, rile our community up fine. But discrediting us on our own game that I'm pretty sure he knows bothing about, thats bollocks.
Compare it to the UK scene, you dont see players like Ryan Hart slagging our MK players off saying we're gonna be free in Injustice, just play the game.
That doesnt matter to me, but if you're really a competitor from the MK community (and have any form of respect for our players), you'd probably have the same view as me on this kind of subject.No he just goes off on his sponsor and teammates :3
We're bashing the players thoThis has suddenly turned into "bash a non-NRS game". GG, TYM.
I'm a Capcom player mate(well and Skullgirls too :3) but I am hype for this game and the competetition. I have the same respect for MK players as any other FGC member(all the respect outside of game, none during a match :3)That doesnt matter to me, but if you're really a competitor from the MK community (and have any form of respect for our players), you'd probably have the same view as me on this kind of subject.
Fixed it for you dudeJuggs, I really like you man, but damn ... that was a very true post.