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Injustice FightStick to AirTapBox(Hitbox) for $28 ;)


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
What's up you guys! Just wanted to share my latest project, it was a success, and I'm so happy with it :D It only took half a day, but it was a looot of work! The final product is so satisfying though :) I know "Hitbox" is a brand, so I decided to call my controller an AirTapBox :p

So, you all know the Injustice Fight Stick right?! Well, this is how it looks for those that don't:

Alright, as this was my first and only picture when making progress. I actually almost broke it as I don't have the proper tools to make the button holes. I got impatient and hit it hard twice and it cracked lol I got lucky it didn't break all the way:

Now, this is the final product. Of course, I could have added my own art instead of re-using the Injustice's background but I don't have any drawings I was down take out of my sketch book and make holes all over them lol So, I guess I'll draw something and I'll change it later:

What you need:
- A 2 years old Injustice Fight Stick laying around with no purpose(as I never learned how to use it)
- 3 Kitchen Lighters(I bought 3 for only $3)
- 1 Paper Clip
- 1 Sock
- 4 Extra buttons(I bought 6 for only $25)
- Kano's pocket knife
- Some tape
- Extra cable to make a DaisyChain to connect all directionals to Ground(I used some old computer cables I had laying around)
-Some scissors
-Proper screw drivers
-A lot of patience:rolleyes:

Let me know what you guys think. And if you decide you wanna make your own controller from an arcade stick just let me know, I'll help you. I was clueless when I began this project, and had to learn along the way. It was fun. Also, thanks to @Son ov Timett for some great, useful information he provided me with. It made my short journey even shorter :)

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
As a stick player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on a Hitbox. The concept is amazing and I know it really helps execution....but god damn I feel like I could use it for months and still not get the hang of it. I'm always impressed by the people who can use them well.


As a stick player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on a Hitbox. The concept is amazing and I know it really helps execution....but god damn I feel like I could use it for months and still not get the hang of it. I'm always impressed by the people who can use them well.
I really want to get one and put forth the effort to learn how to use it. I'd look at it like using a keyboard and my fingers fly across a keyboard (130 WPM). I think the hardest part would be adapting to pressing face buttons for directional movement and such like that.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I really want to get one and put forth the effort to learn how to use it. I'd look at it like using a keyboard and my fingers fly across a keyboard (130 WPM). I think the hardest part would be adapting to pressing face buttons for directional movement and such like that.
Yeah man, I hear you. I'm also an incredibly fast typer (although I'm unsure of my speed), it's all I do it at work all day. I've heard it's like using a keyboard, but the whole movement with a button just seems crazy to me. I can only imagine how good a hitbox would be for something like Tekken (my main game) because of how easy it would be to lightdash and what not. Although I'm unsure how sidestep would work, considering you have to go neutral after tapping up or down. I suppose letting go of a directional button would be considered neutral...


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
As a stick player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on a Hitbox. The concept is amazing and I know it really helps execution....but god damn I feel like I could use it for months and still not get the hang of it. I'm always impressed by the people who can use them well.
I don't know how to use it yet as I barely did this yesterday and all I was able to do was test it to see if it worked properly. I finished like at 2:00 am lol But just like @Eldriken said, I'm counting with using my amazing keyboard skills to be able to control this artifact at ease. The only thing that might give me a hard time is getting used to pressing the bottom button to go up, and the upper button to go down lol That's just contradicting the normal human way of thinking things haha If not, I'll just switch it to the standard easy way of thinking(upper for up, and bottom for down).

Bring it over today @Airvidal l. I want to give it a try! :)

That looks incredibly cool dude, good job.
Thanks man! I'll do my best to make it today but I can't promise anything this time...got a lot on my plate for tomorrow morning, not sure how smart it'd be to stay up all night lol Still, I will try.
As a stick player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on a Hitbox. The concept is amazing and I know it really helps execution....but god damn I feel like I could use it for months and still not get the hang of it. I'm always impressed by the people who can use them well.

As a pad player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on sticks. So Kappa Lol

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
I really want to get one and put forth the effort to learn how to use it. I'd look at it like using a keyboard and my fingers fly across a keyboard (130 WPM). I think the hardest part would be adapting to pressing face buttons for directional movement and such like that.
As a stick player, I'll never understand how people are able to play on a Hitbox. The concept is amazing and I know it really helps execution....but god damn I feel like I could use it for months and still not get the hang of it. I'm always impressed by the people who can use them well.
It's not so bad. I'm a week in so far and I'm just starting to play like I used to with pad. Actually landing combos that I couldn't before. And I can safely say that I'll never go back to pad again :D

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
All I know is I picked up d'vorah on keyboard and had a better d'vorah than I ever did on pad so I might make my own hitbox out of a qanba q1 or some other type of cheap stick.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
All I know is I picked up d'vorah on keyboard and had a better d'vorah than I ever did on pad so I might make my own hitbox out of a qanba q1 or some other type of cheap stick.
Yeah, I think it's a good way of saving or if you just don't have the money to buy a Hitbox, you can work your way with just a few bucks lol
Let me know if you need any help/guidance.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
I wouldn't say using hitbox is like keyboard at all lol. It's like using an extension of yourself. You become one with the hitbox and all thinking goes out the window. You become the hitbox and the hitbox becomes you.
"You become the hitbox and the hitbox become you" Damn bro, I had some Ermac flashbacks right there lol But all kidding aside, do you now how to properly use a keyboard? Like, super fast typing and all?
"You become the hitbox and the hitbox become you" Damn bro, I had some Ermac flashbacks right there lol But all kidding aside, do you now how to properly use a keyboard? Like, super fast typing and all?
Rofl yes I was a java programmer for a big portion of my career. But really it takes like 2 weeks max to get used to it haha


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Rofl yes I was a java programmer for a big portion of my career. But really it takes like 2 weeks max to get used to it haha
Now that you mention the learning timing, I don't actually remember how long it took for me since I was 15 when I learned lol
Anyway, I was practicing last night and I feel as if I'm having to learn the game all over again lol Not so simple after all

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
This is reall cool! My friend is selling his arcade stick suuuper dirt cheap so I might buy it and try this just for fun. I see your directional buttons are different from the Hitbox in placement, interesting! The Hitbox down and left button are right next to each other at the same uh, I guess the vertical height or whatever if it's sitting on your lap. Very interesting, it would have been cool to see a video of you doing the process! Nice work man! :D


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Thanks bruh! :)
Yeah, I was thinking about the fact that the ring finger is not as long as the middle one, hence there's no reason for "left and down" to be right next to each other, so I lowered it xD Should help in keeping hands from hurting a bit...

I thought of making the process video but without the right tools I thought it would have been kinda lame to show the process lol I kept warming up a paper clip to go through the thick trasparent plastic lol

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Thanks bruh! :)
Yeah, I was thinking about the fact that the ring finger is not as long as the middle one, hence there's no reason for "left and down" to be right next to each other, so I lowered it xD Should help in keeping hands from hurting a bit...

I thought of making the process video but without the right tools I thought it would have been kinda lame to show the process lol I kept warming up a paper clip to go through the thick trasparent plastic lol
Yeah it wouldn't be lame at all, I don't have tools at the moment - they're at another location and I won't have them for some time :'(

Even a text tutorial would be awesome.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
So the last directional is down the bottom?
Correct. It's a weird set up but I think they Hitbox creators did it thinking on a different game that would really benefit of you being able to alternate your thumbs when pressing the "Up" input, a capcom game I believe...

I wonder if that positioning even matters on MK

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Correct. It's a weird set up but I think they Hitbox creators did it thinking on a different game that would really benefit of you being able to alternate your thumbs when pressing the "Up" input, a capcom game I believe...

I wonder if that positioning even matters on MK
It does!! I couldn't live with them being reversed to be honest. Instant air moves are sooo easy on hitbox. Like, instant fans with Kitana for example. And in MK9... Kabal. Nuff said lolololo


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
It does!! I couldn't live with them being reversed to be honest. Instant air moves are sooo easy on hitbox. Like, instant fans with Kitana for example. And in MK9... Kabal. Nuff said lolololo
lol No but that happens 'cause you're already using a different finger for each input, so by laying all the buttons out you're already achieving the speed desired. There won't be any wasted move from your part. But take a look at this video at 3:40 and you'll see their explanation of why they have the up button down there. Makes sense, seeing that game, but does that actually apply to MK? If it does or not, I don't know yet...
Now that you mention the learning timing, I don't actually remember how long it took for me since I was 15 when I learned lol
Anyway, I was practicing last night and I feel as if I'm having to learn the game all over again lol Not so simple after all
Yeah you are gonna have to throw all instincts out the window and start over. My best advice is jump with your right thumb and not the left. Keep this knowledge with you to the grave haha.

Good luck getting used to it man. Being hitbox elitist is so the way to go lmao