Hindsight is always 20/20
. This thread is about my personal opinions on these characters from a design standpoint. I think netherrealm was exceptionally creative in their game design but had LOADS of room to improve and a lot of poorly thought out things most likely due to lack of competitive experience in their design. A lack of risk-reward analysis in their game design. Overall netherealm gets an A on injustice.
Aquaman: overall grade = C (i'm dissappointed in what could have been he is the master of the ocean not the master of the pole)
Pros = -has a wide variety of normals all with specific interesting uses allowing for mixups and a good spacing game. (These aspects gives him a somewhat varietied game and rewards decent smart play with good anti-air, there are other things that make him unfair)
-water shield is a very interesting move, trident is a very useful tools that allows him to be a strong defensive/footsies character that anti-airs and keeps the game on the ground
cons- his trait is the laziest idea (he's made of water so he can slip out of water is laughably stupid and i hate the idea with a passion) and its overpowered and uninteresting, this is the primary reason his grade is bad in my eyes. It doesn't fit in this game
-he masters the sea and does virtually no summoning of water creatures, this game doesn't have to be realistic he could have been a wicked cool variety of specials or could have been involved in his trait
-trident rush is stupid and doesn't have a risk reward
-his trident might be a bit too good but i think it would be fine without his trait
Synopsis: Competitively, its extremely difficult for some characters to approach this character because his uppercut and ranged normals are phenomenal and he counter-zones well. this game rewards defensive characters because walkspeed is slow and dashes are punishable. It's okay he's a defensive powerhouse, but his trait and down 1 trident rush put him over the edge. Creatively, i want fucking sea creatures goddamnit not a guy with a pole. though he is somewhat cool because he has a variety of useful normals
This character is the god of the ocean but is lacking in oceanicness
Ares: grade: c- (underexplored but has problems)
Pros: they tried to make a cool character. he looks cool.
-back 1 is a good footsie tools, he can be a snowballing machine in practice
-theoretically that tried to make a beastly setup character, maybe he can still be one with ex invis and godsmack and ex teleport
-he has a variety of very interesting moves they just don't come together
Cons: his trait was somewhat interesting but poorly executed and underwhelming. He can't mixup with it and it gets interrupted on startup and is more of a hinderance to his game
-no viable zoning, duckable, mb is reactable and a waste of meter
-teleport too slow on startup to use on reaction, needs startup invincibility with high duration frames and he would be more interesting
-buffs helped him teleport safely and mb teleport could be usefull
-lacks tools to be competitive in the air, and mobility to be competive any where else, b1 is his only saving grace
-overall its missing things
-not sure i like godsmack and tp together
Synopsis: 2 3 days into the game i knew this character was garbage. they buffed him, he's still bad and he just lacks any sort of meat and potatoes but int he right hands who knows he could be a snowballing monster. Would have seen him rather be more designed to be a character that shuts down zoning on reaction and controls the pace and zones a little bit and mixes up a little bit, rather than a hope i get a lucky hit and then hope i catch you with a greasy setup, hope i make a beastly guess type of character. More of a raiden type then a sheeva, if your going to give him the tools he has. But, who knows he could still be a setup machine. His trait is lackluster. The god of war should be outsmarting foes not being a random dickhead.
Bane: B+ (cool design, very thoughtful)
Pros: fun as shit to play as from what i understand
-his design fits his personality and is well executed
-his trait is super thoughtful and they adequately buffed him
-his specials fit him well (command grab, overhead, punishabe high damage anti-air)
-you have to be a smart manager of things to play him
-love the drawkbacks
-bane feels like bane
Cons: A bit cheap, don't have to be a masterful fighting game player to find success with
-hard to balance a game iwht so many tools and a character with armored specials, creates lopsided matchups
-maybe could have some more cool tools involing venomous attacks but overall he's good
Synopsis: A unique design and somewhat balance competitively. Is overrated by tym and can still be exploited by some characters. Fits him well, not overwhelmingly cheap. Once people master the matchup you'll find he's god plenty of fair weaknesses. any1 can get baned though at the wrong time. Initially he was god awful, but they buffed him effectively and patched him up into an honest injustice character.
Batgirl: C- (cmon you gave me batgirl, harely quinn, killer frost and SCORPION, but everyone wanted poison ivy or someone else, poison ivy would be AMAZING and has so much potential)
Pros: useful normals and effective combination of specials creates a playstyle
-bola is very interesting
-her db3 is interesting but poorly executed
-her lack of dash speed and mediocre footsies are a fair drawback to her game, her cartwheel is hard to deal with but very punishable, so she isn't entirely broken
Cons: i feel she should have had some more gadgets and really been more of an all over the place harassment character that shuts down zoning, rather than a vortex character you can't zone or approach on wakeup
-her biggest drawback is a USELESS and uninteresting and LAZY thoughtless trait
-her vortex was easy to see coming and is too good because she has so many options
-her wakeup option selects, cartwheel is punishable but has 3 options and is multi-hitting
-she's batgirl for crying outloud
-her counter-zoning is really good, there are a lot of counter-zoners, she should be one, maybe even better at it but not with a braindead ass vortex
Synopsis: Who was happy to see batgirl over other characters? Her trait was a missed opportunity
Batman: A- (did netherrealm spend 50% of the time designing batman, and 50% of the time designing the rest of the cast)
Pros: so many good tools with good drawbacks, like anti-air grapple grapple, air sparks, his projectile is interesting and the mb version is extremely good. His and normals strings liek b23 are interesting.
he should have a few more mobility tools but i like what they tried to design overall. Liek grapples for mobility, bombs, more gadgets and niche tools less jump 2
His trait is AMAZING, the reason he gets such a good grade. It Creates SO many different options and different abilities and creates a rewarding character to play.
Cons: His trait is amazing but they didn't make everyone else as well as they made batman so sometimes his traits a little bit good
- could be a bit more gadgety and jump 2 is annoying but he needs it in this game (but shouldn't need it)
Synopsis: Goodjob, cool character, loads to play with, a zillion things you can do with him, though his multi-hit specials allow him to bop bane and doomsday pretty hard, then again he has no good wakeups which is perfect. if this game didn't have pushblock this grade would be lowered because he's be the most broken piece of shit on the face of the earth. he truly is a jack of all trades
Black adam: B- (yes, let's jump backwards the whole game shall we?)
Pros: Cool trait, good normals, good counter-zoning tools, thank god divekick can be anti-air and he doesn't have lows
-you can react to his zoning move, making him more of a counter-zoner, and not too good of a zoner any more
-he's got so much goddamn swag
Cons: all i do is jump backwards on this character
-his backdash and jump arc made him way to lame until patched
Synopsis: I guess he's fine but he was stupid pre-patch, dlc and lightning hitbox nerfed him. He's a good character design but he doesn't reek of interestingness. Initially he was too good at everything and too safe. Dive kick his a bit weird not sure how i feel about it.
Catwoman: C- (ummmmmmm more doesn't mean better in terms of strings)
Pros: Okay so i am a little bias against this character
-her evades are cool
-she does have some very interesting strings
-catdash is good but mb catdash should have variability and being able to be punish
-good attempts on her cat stances in stuff, but kind of weak deliverance
-she can compete but PERSONALLY i don't find her playstyle all that interesting
-fullscreen relatively safe armored fast combo starters
-stupid braindead jump 2
-mb catdash is stupid
-what the fuck why does she have so many strings
-overally not a thoughful character to play, kind of just random and has 50 50 mixups and has catdash and jump, she is missing competitive tools in some ares
-i think that mb catdash could have been executed
-for the love of god test the hitbox on back 3
-terrible dash speed
-underwhelming footsie tools
-can only compete due to mb catdash and jump 2, which he was better in other areas and worst in other ares
-her trait is a bit underwhelming
Cyborg : D+(could have been so cool, is reduced to one tool being his bread and butter tool, and that tool is extremely good)
Pros: I like his grapple and fireball game and target aqcuired and trait in theory, but was not well executed
cons: monotonous playstyle involving instant air fireballs
-not that viable of a trait
-awkward normals, albeit 12 year olds who won't be named are very good at frame trapping with him
-should have made him a hybrid not pure run away,
-can summon all sorts of gadgets and shit with that arm, coul dbe super cool, all he does his pew pew all day long
-target aqcuired should be only known in location on startup by cyborg player.
-he was poorly tested and executed but still have viablity due to the fact that his instant air fireball is extremely good
Synopsis: I love zoning characters but this zoner could have been so great and thoughtful, and maybe should have been a hybrid. Instant airs aren't a very interesting tactic and anti-air fireballs should be balanced and not have the recovery frame to become a block infinite, unlike deathstroke.
Deathstroke : B/B+ ( all of his moves have a niche, and a specific use, he is very stylish, he is one of the most balanced characters in this game, but i want EVERY character to have a useful and interesting trait)
Pros: He is a great counter-zoner and his tools are fair.
-his normals have to be used thoughtfully and have drawbacks
-his normals and footsie tools have good variety, jump normals and ground and f3's alike
-he rewards patient and skilled players, requires solid fundamentals to use at a high level
Cons: His rifle is way too slow on startup and doesn't do chip
-his zoning is a bit stale, could have more tools and his guns be balanced accordingly, also i agree with m2dave that he isn't that good of a zoner, that being said he's not really a zoner he's a hybrid, and i think hes a good viable character
-his trait is straight garbage
-his sword flip needs a better hitbox for the love of god, its unsafe but sometimes it only does 4% and whiffs at the end
Synopsis: good job play @Crathen or anti-static on xbox and you will realize that good patient reactionary players are attracted to this character, and bad players don't know how deal with deathstroke. it'd be cool if he had mines. And every trait should be useful, don't argue that his trait is useful.
Doomsday: C- (herp derp)
Pros: great visually and great noises
-i like his trait
-he feels like the comic book doomsday should playing against him
-he should play like an overpowering rush down character, but he's still too painfully thoughtless
-from a competitive standpoint, this character is aggregious
-he is thoughtless,and flow charty
-a neanderthal could be effective with this character
-he prays on the fact that even if you predict him he is hard to block
-he gets in for straight up free, no thought or spacing or anything, all he has to do is watch out for whiffing a shoulder so he can't be meter
-his jump 3 is stupid
-all of his normals are relatively bad and not all that usefull outside of jump ins
-his game is reduced to belly flopping, shouldering in for free pressure, and down 1s grabs and sweeps
-earthshake is -2 on block
Synopsis: This character hurts our community as a whole because he is so thoughtless, anybody can lose in a set of 3 to this character even if that player is significantly more talented. That being said as the game goes people well get better and better against this character (i know i feel very comfortable against him). He just should have had more useful normals and shoulder should have been not quite as good, he needs better tools around and not just one overpowering tool. He is the poster boy for the flaws in in this game competitively.
![Wink ;) ;)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/wink.png)
Aquaman: overall grade = C (i'm dissappointed in what could have been he is the master of the ocean not the master of the pole)
Pros = -has a wide variety of normals all with specific interesting uses allowing for mixups and a good spacing game. (These aspects gives him a somewhat varietied game and rewards decent smart play with good anti-air, there are other things that make him unfair)
-water shield is a very interesting move, trident is a very useful tools that allows him to be a strong defensive/footsies character that anti-airs and keeps the game on the ground
cons- his trait is the laziest idea (he's made of water so he can slip out of water is laughably stupid and i hate the idea with a passion) and its overpowered and uninteresting, this is the primary reason his grade is bad in my eyes. It doesn't fit in this game
-he masters the sea and does virtually no summoning of water creatures, this game doesn't have to be realistic he could have been a wicked cool variety of specials or could have been involved in his trait
-trident rush is stupid and doesn't have a risk reward
-his trident might be a bit too good but i think it would be fine without his trait
Synopsis: Competitively, its extremely difficult for some characters to approach this character because his uppercut and ranged normals are phenomenal and he counter-zones well. this game rewards defensive characters because walkspeed is slow and dashes are punishable. It's okay he's a defensive powerhouse, but his trait and down 1 trident rush put him over the edge. Creatively, i want fucking sea creatures goddamnit not a guy with a pole. though he is somewhat cool because he has a variety of useful normals
This character is the god of the ocean but is lacking in oceanicness
Ares: grade: c- (underexplored but has problems)
Pros: they tried to make a cool character. he looks cool.
-back 1 is a good footsie tools, he can be a snowballing machine in practice
-theoretically that tried to make a beastly setup character, maybe he can still be one with ex invis and godsmack and ex teleport
-he has a variety of very interesting moves they just don't come together
Cons: his trait was somewhat interesting but poorly executed and underwhelming. He can't mixup with it and it gets interrupted on startup and is more of a hinderance to his game
-no viable zoning, duckable, mb is reactable and a waste of meter
-teleport too slow on startup to use on reaction, needs startup invincibility with high duration frames and he would be more interesting
-buffs helped him teleport safely and mb teleport could be usefull
-lacks tools to be competitive in the air, and mobility to be competive any where else, b1 is his only saving grace
-overall its missing things
-not sure i like godsmack and tp together
Synopsis: 2 3 days into the game i knew this character was garbage. they buffed him, he's still bad and he just lacks any sort of meat and potatoes but int he right hands who knows he could be a snowballing monster. Would have seen him rather be more designed to be a character that shuts down zoning on reaction and controls the pace and zones a little bit and mixes up a little bit, rather than a hope i get a lucky hit and then hope i catch you with a greasy setup, hope i make a beastly guess type of character. More of a raiden type then a sheeva, if your going to give him the tools he has. But, who knows he could still be a setup machine. His trait is lackluster. The god of war should be outsmarting foes not being a random dickhead.
Bane: B+ (cool design, very thoughtful)
Pros: fun as shit to play as from what i understand
-his design fits his personality and is well executed
-his trait is super thoughtful and they adequately buffed him
-his specials fit him well (command grab, overhead, punishabe high damage anti-air)
-you have to be a smart manager of things to play him
-love the drawkbacks
-bane feels like bane
Cons: A bit cheap, don't have to be a masterful fighting game player to find success with
-hard to balance a game iwht so many tools and a character with armored specials, creates lopsided matchups
-maybe could have some more cool tools involing venomous attacks but overall he's good
Synopsis: A unique design and somewhat balance competitively. Is overrated by tym and can still be exploited by some characters. Fits him well, not overwhelmingly cheap. Once people master the matchup you'll find he's god plenty of fair weaknesses. any1 can get baned though at the wrong time. Initially he was god awful, but they buffed him effectively and patched him up into an honest injustice character.
Batgirl: C- (cmon you gave me batgirl, harely quinn, killer frost and SCORPION, but everyone wanted poison ivy or someone else, poison ivy would be AMAZING and has so much potential)
Pros: useful normals and effective combination of specials creates a playstyle
-bola is very interesting
-her db3 is interesting but poorly executed
-her lack of dash speed and mediocre footsies are a fair drawback to her game, her cartwheel is hard to deal with but very punishable, so she isn't entirely broken
Cons: i feel she should have had some more gadgets and really been more of an all over the place harassment character that shuts down zoning, rather than a vortex character you can't zone or approach on wakeup
-her biggest drawback is a USELESS and uninteresting and LAZY thoughtless trait
-her vortex was easy to see coming and is too good because she has so many options
-her wakeup option selects, cartwheel is punishable but has 3 options and is multi-hitting
-she's batgirl for crying outloud
-her counter-zoning is really good, there are a lot of counter-zoners, she should be one, maybe even better at it but not with a braindead ass vortex
Synopsis: Who was happy to see batgirl over other characters? Her trait was a missed opportunity
Batman: A- (did netherrealm spend 50% of the time designing batman, and 50% of the time designing the rest of the cast)
Pros: so many good tools with good drawbacks, like anti-air grapple grapple, air sparks, his projectile is interesting and the mb version is extremely good. His and normals strings liek b23 are interesting.
he should have a few more mobility tools but i like what they tried to design overall. Liek grapples for mobility, bombs, more gadgets and niche tools less jump 2
His trait is AMAZING, the reason he gets such a good grade. It Creates SO many different options and different abilities and creates a rewarding character to play.
Cons: His trait is amazing but they didn't make everyone else as well as they made batman so sometimes his traits a little bit good
- could be a bit more gadgety and jump 2 is annoying but he needs it in this game (but shouldn't need it)
Synopsis: Goodjob, cool character, loads to play with, a zillion things you can do with him, though his multi-hit specials allow him to bop bane and doomsday pretty hard, then again he has no good wakeups which is perfect. if this game didn't have pushblock this grade would be lowered because he's be the most broken piece of shit on the face of the earth. he truly is a jack of all trades
Black adam: B- (yes, let's jump backwards the whole game shall we?)
Pros: Cool trait, good normals, good counter-zoning tools, thank god divekick can be anti-air and he doesn't have lows
-you can react to his zoning move, making him more of a counter-zoner, and not too good of a zoner any more
-he's got so much goddamn swag
Cons: all i do is jump backwards on this character
-his backdash and jump arc made him way to lame until patched
Synopsis: I guess he's fine but he was stupid pre-patch, dlc and lightning hitbox nerfed him. He's a good character design but he doesn't reek of interestingness. Initially he was too good at everything and too safe. Dive kick his a bit weird not sure how i feel about it.
Catwoman: C- (ummmmmmm more doesn't mean better in terms of strings)
Pros: Okay so i am a little bias against this character
-her evades are cool
-she does have some very interesting strings
-catdash is good but mb catdash should have variability and being able to be punish
-good attempts on her cat stances in stuff, but kind of weak deliverance
-she can compete but PERSONALLY i don't find her playstyle all that interesting
-fullscreen relatively safe armored fast combo starters
-stupid braindead jump 2
-mb catdash is stupid
-what the fuck why does she have so many strings
-overally not a thoughful character to play, kind of just random and has 50 50 mixups and has catdash and jump, she is missing competitive tools in some ares
-i think that mb catdash could have been executed
-for the love of god test the hitbox on back 3
-terrible dash speed
-underwhelming footsie tools
-can only compete due to mb catdash and jump 2, which he was better in other areas and worst in other ares
-her trait is a bit underwhelming
Cyborg : D+(could have been so cool, is reduced to one tool being his bread and butter tool, and that tool is extremely good)
Pros: I like his grapple and fireball game and target aqcuired and trait in theory, but was not well executed
cons: monotonous playstyle involving instant air fireballs
-not that viable of a trait
-awkward normals, albeit 12 year olds who won't be named are very good at frame trapping with him
-should have made him a hybrid not pure run away,
-can summon all sorts of gadgets and shit with that arm, coul dbe super cool, all he does his pew pew all day long
-target aqcuired should be only known in location on startup by cyborg player.
-he was poorly tested and executed but still have viablity due to the fact that his instant air fireball is extremely good
Synopsis: I love zoning characters but this zoner could have been so great and thoughtful, and maybe should have been a hybrid. Instant airs aren't a very interesting tactic and anti-air fireballs should be balanced and not have the recovery frame to become a block infinite, unlike deathstroke.
Deathstroke : B/B+ ( all of his moves have a niche, and a specific use, he is very stylish, he is one of the most balanced characters in this game, but i want EVERY character to have a useful and interesting trait)
Pros: He is a great counter-zoner and his tools are fair.
-his normals have to be used thoughtfully and have drawbacks
-his normals and footsie tools have good variety, jump normals and ground and f3's alike
-he rewards patient and skilled players, requires solid fundamentals to use at a high level
Cons: His rifle is way too slow on startup and doesn't do chip
-his zoning is a bit stale, could have more tools and his guns be balanced accordingly, also i agree with m2dave that he isn't that good of a zoner, that being said he's not really a zoner he's a hybrid, and i think hes a good viable character
-his trait is straight garbage
-his sword flip needs a better hitbox for the love of god, its unsafe but sometimes it only does 4% and whiffs at the end
Synopsis: good job play @Crathen or anti-static on xbox and you will realize that good patient reactionary players are attracted to this character, and bad players don't know how deal with deathstroke. it'd be cool if he had mines. And every trait should be useful, don't argue that his trait is useful.
Doomsday: C- (herp derp)
Pros: great visually and great noises
-i like his trait
-he feels like the comic book doomsday should playing against him
-he should play like an overpowering rush down character, but he's still too painfully thoughtless
-from a competitive standpoint, this character is aggregious
-he is thoughtless,and flow charty
-a neanderthal could be effective with this character
-he prays on the fact that even if you predict him he is hard to block
-he gets in for straight up free, no thought or spacing or anything, all he has to do is watch out for whiffing a shoulder so he can't be meter
-his jump 3 is stupid
-all of his normals are relatively bad and not all that usefull outside of jump ins
-his game is reduced to belly flopping, shouldering in for free pressure, and down 1s grabs and sweeps
-earthshake is -2 on block
Synopsis: This character hurts our community as a whole because he is so thoughtless, anybody can lose in a set of 3 to this character even if that player is significantly more talented. That being said as the game goes people well get better and better against this character (i know i feel very comfortable against him). He just should have had more useful normals and shoulder should have been not quite as good, he needs better tools around and not just one overpowering tool. He is the poster boy for the flaws in in this game competitively.